♡ 37 - can you help me?

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"we ran away"

"what? that's crazy" I answered.

The lady laughed.
"yes, we were crazy. It was the best decision of my life, now were married. Im going to eat dinner with him at the hotel, that's why I asked you for the hotel" she said. Wow

"but how?" I asked.

"I met him in the middle of the night after he sendt a letter. I packed my stuff and we ran away"

This lady is hyping me up to do it aswell.
I took a deep breath.

I got a notification and opened it, it was Katie.

"omg I miss you sm😭 I thought u forgot me or sum, turns out ur mother was a snake (sorry). I can't believe you found me!!
We're all so sad!!!! Everyone misses you <3 Mattia hasn't been himself lately, he skipped school and is just at home, crying, after the message you sendt him.
I miss u sm I wish I could see u rn :("

I need to call her.

"We need to talk, call me" I wrote my number and she called me right away.

I could hear her cry.

"Katie?" I asked, and tears were rolling down my cheeks.

"Hi babe omg" she said and we both sobbed in the phone.
"I miss you so fucking much" she said.

"me too, I hate my life right now. Mom deleted all of you and is forcing me to forget you guys!"

"were all so broken. Where are you and how far away is it? Can't you meet me or us??"

"Im 12 hours away.. Mom gave me one hour to go out and she's gonna check my phone every night to see if I've been in contact with one of you"

"okay she's sick" Katie said.

"yeah she is. Katie we really need to catch up what is this even" I said.

"yeah I miss you, literally" She said and we both sobbed more.

"how's Mattia?" I asked

"he's not himself. He's been crying and crying, almost not leaving the house"

My heart clenched.

"what did you mean when you said I sendt him a message?"

"don't you remember? You sendt him a message, telling him do not contact you again, ever, because it was dangerous for the both of you"

What? I never said that? Mom took my phone right away?

"Katie? I never sendt Mattia such a message, mom took my phone the second we left New Jersey"

I heard Katie gasp.
"did your mom write that?"

I gasped aswell. How dare she?

"I can't believe her. She has crossed the line too far" I said.

"I'll let the boys know and Mattia. I'll send you his number, but keep it in the notes or something so your mom can't see it. I'll call you as soon as I can okay? Omg maybe I'll get to see you again, okay bye" she said and we said goodbye. We were both stressed.

Im in shock and im shaking, because of what my mom did and with the thought of maybe meeting them again.

I looked up at the lady.
She gave me a smile, not asking quesrions about my call with Katie.

I want to run away.

"I want to do what you did. Can you help me? it's 12 hours away, please" I begged the lady.

Her smile got wider.
"dear, you need to be really sure. This can have big consuqenses" she said.
I nodded. Im mad at my mom, literally so fucking mad.
I need to get away from here and her.
I need my friends.
I need him.

"I couldn't be more sure. Please help me"

I feel like my book is becoming boring AF, but thanks for all the nice comments its making me smile ILY GUYS SFM MY MOTHERFUXKERS😭❤️❤️❤️❤️

♡ stepbrother; Mattia PolibioWhere stories live. Discover now