♡ 19 - fell in love

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My stomach filled with butterflies

your pov.

I talked to Mattia this night. I really wanted to believe him. I was trying, and what if it's true?

I was now in my bed, thinking about Mattia. Why can't I get him out off my mind?

It was a party in two days. Im going with Katie. We decided to get our mind off things and just have a good time. I didn't get that much of a party last time.....

It was the next day, and Mattia haven't been home the whole day. I really wonder where he is.
I was home alone, Katie was with Alejandro so she couldn't come over.

Then I heard a bang in front of the door.
I got up from the couch and opened the door.
There I saw Mattia getting up on his feet again. The bang was probably him falling.

He looked at me and blinked a few times.

"Ooh princess" he smelled alcohol.

"Are you drunk Mattia?"

"Today is my day" he said and totally ignored my question.
He walked in, smiling and threw himself on the couch.

"What's up?" he said with a chill voice.

"I could ask you the same" I answered him.

"I need to go to the bathroom" He said and got up again but couldn't stand on his feet.

"Come, you idiot" I laughed a little and helped him to the bathroom.

I opened the door and he leaned against the sink.

"Don't tell me your going to throw up, I swear I'll get mad" I warned him.

He was just smiling.

"We have to wash your face" I said and turned on the sink. I took a little water on my hand and helped him put it on his face.

"That was good" he told me.

"I can't believe im doing this" I told myself, loud enough for him to hear, while he dried his face with the towel.

He got up again and almost fell on me. "Oh my god!" I said and got scared. He just laughed and put his hands around me in a hug. He held me for a long time so I tried to push him off.

"Okay Mattia, enough feeling bad for yourself. Let's get you to sleep"

"okay" he said and I helped him walk to his bedroom. He sat down on his bed.

"Where is your pyjamas?" I asked and he pointed at his closet.

"Im actually just sleeping in my boxers" he said while I looked for his pyjamas.

"You're like a baby" I said and put his pyjamas on his bed.
He laughed.

"Like a baby? I thought we were friends again"

"You need help, that's why im here" I said.

"You can leave, but your not leaving" he said.

"Because im a nice person" I said

"No, it's because you feel bad for me" he said with a cute voice and layed down on the bed.

"You'll see" I said smiling, and dragged his covers over him.
"Change into these before sleeping" I reminded him off his pyjamas.

"Can't you stay with me till' im asleep? Don't leave" Mattia asked.

"Okay, you're literally a baby. Mattia you know I don't find that interessing at all" I told him, not in a rude tone but normal.

"You can continue tomorrow, because then, everything is zero".

"I wonder if you'll remember this tomorrow" I asked him. He laughed.

"Of course you don't know me. I forget everything the day after. Literally. Zero" He added.

"Are you telling me the truth?" I asked him with my brows lifted and a smile on my face.

He held up a peace sign.
"Polibio promise", he said laughing.

"Okay then, move aside" I said and sat down beside where he was laying.

"I don't know what were going to do" I said, now that we were sitting beside each other, or he was laying and I sat with my back against the bedframe.

He took my hand. "Im holding your hand but don't get me wrong" he said laughing while his eyes were closed.

"No, you're forgetting it anyways" I answered him. He chuckled. After that, it got a little quiet and I looked around his room, before I looked down om him again.

"Mattia?" I asked and it looked like he fell asleep.

"oh my god y/n, can't you find anyone else to hang out with or anything else to do" I said to myself while looking at Mattia sleeping.

"Goodnight Mattia" I whispered and got up.

"y/n." Mattia said and I turned around.


"y/n!" he said again. I lifted one brow up and leaned closer to him so I could hear him properly.

"I've fell deeply in love" he whispered.

"In who?" I whispered back, smiling.

"In y/n " he whispered back, in his sleep.

I raised both of my brows and got up again, shocked.

What? was he in love with me?

♡ stepbrother; Mattia PolibioWhere stories live. Discover now