♡ 21 - first kiss

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My heart was now beating really fast. I've been waiting for this moment to happen..

I was ready to finally admit my feelings for him. Ready to finally feel his lips on mine.

We were standing so close, and his soft lips was on mine. Unforgettable

I felt his other hand slowly stroke up from my thigh to my waist, and since my t-shirt was long, it was following his hand up. His hand stopped on my waist.
I got goosebumps at his touch, and my stomach was filled with tingles and butterflies.

I felt him moving his lips, so it wasn't just kissing anymore. I did the same.

He slowly started to move his lips from my lips, to my jaw, and down to my neck. He didn't get to do it any longer before my phone called.

Of course.

It was Katie.

Mattia leaned against he kitchen counter, smirking again. His arms was holding him there, so you could see his biceps muscles flexing.


"Hey, I was wondering if you wanted to get ready together? I'll come over early and we can just chill and have girls-time before he fix us together?" Katie asked.

"Sure, just come now if you want to" I answered her.

"Great, see you soon" and then we hang up.

"You hungry?" I asked Mattia.

"nah just dizzy after yesterday" Mattia said.

"Yeah you were really not-yourself" I told him.

The both of us tried to make a conversation and ignore the akwardness after we just kissed.

"Did I say something innapopriate?" he asked.

"No" I lied. He have forgotten that he confessed to me. He nodded and looked around.

"Katie is coming in 5 minutes probably, so I'll hang out with her today, just so you know incase you wonder where I am" I told him.

Then the doorbell ringed.

He smirked and let go off the counter, beforr he made his way upstairs, he stopped and whispered in my ear.

"Maybe we'll finish what we started now, at the party tonight?" Mattia said smirking and walked away, leaving me there speachless.

I walked too the door. I literally have feelings for Mattia. What the actual fuck

"Hi bitch" Katie said and pulled me innfor a hug. I hugged her back.

"Hi" I said and we pulled away.

"So I bought us some snacks and decided we could watch some movies, just talk and tell each other stuff and chill, before we blast the music and get ready for tonight yeah?"

"yes, sounds really good. You're the best" I told her and we walked up to my room.

"is Mattia home?" Katie asked. I nodded

"What's up Polibio?" Katie screamed.

"Watching porn" Mattia yelled back.

"You fucking nasty" Katie yelled back laughing.

We sat on my bed and locked the door. I decided to finally tell Katie how I feel about Mattia.

"So Katie, a question. What do you think about step-siblings dating? Where their parents is just a couple¿" I told her with a dumb smile and hoped she would support it.

"girl I dont know, like step siblings aren't blood-related, so I don't think it's nasty, bu- wait. Why are you asking me? OH SHIT YOU LIKE MAT-"

"KATIE SHUT THE FUCK UP!" I put my finger on my lips.

Katie sat there with both of her hands on her mouth.

"you like Mattia?" she whisper-yelled. I nodded.

"When? How? Oh my god!" she was clearly still in shock.

"We kissed right before you called"

Katie widened her eyes and got even more shocked. She fake fainted bakwards on the bed.

"Katie is it bad? am I dumb?"

"No girl it's okay it's just alot to take in. Okay I need to focus" she said and sat up again. She took a deep breath while closing her eyes. She paused and looked at me.

"Mattia's been a rude fuck to you since you came, but because of him, no one dares to have that photo of you anymore. What the fuck is this man?" Katie said

I nodded eagerly. "Yeah I don't understand" I added.

"Last night he came home and was drunk or really high, and I had to help him out. Then he told me while he was sleeping, that he fell in love with me. And then on his phone, he had my lingerie picture, favourited".

"Oh holy mother of god. He's so weird. Okay you both obviously have feelings for each other am I right?"

I nodded slowly.

"you have to look sexy tonight" Katie was getting to it.


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♡ stepbrother; Mattia PolibioWhere stories live. Discover now