05. Extra Ordinary

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August drove to the Umbrella mansion since Madelina had been spending more time there.

He stepped out of the car and unbuckled Saraya.

As he walked towards the front door, he heard rustling in the back. He walked around and found Klaus digging through the dumpster.

"Uh, Klaus, what are you doing?"

Klaus poked his head up. "Huh? Oh, hi, August! You haven't seen a pearl inlay ornate box around, have you?"

"No, why?"

"No reason."

"Klaus, what did you do?"

He sighed. "I lost it. Don't tell Madi. She'll go all mom on me again and I really don't need that."

August chuckled softly. "It'll be our secret, man. Hey, speaking of Mads, is she here?"

"Yeah. She's inside. Oh. Hi, Madi."

Madelina eyed the two men suspiciously. "What are you two up to?"

August smiled. "Sorry, baby. I'm sworn to secrecy."

"Oh, don't tell me it's a gentleman's agreement."

"It is. I'm sorry. You know the rules, Madelina."

She sighed. "Yeah, I do. Klaus, did you find the ornate box?"

He shook his head. "Nope. August, is she hungry? Or bored?"

Saraya was squirming in August's arms and he chuckled. "I think someone wants to explore. I'm gonna head inside, guys."

August walked inside, leaving Madelina staring out the window at her brother.

"So who were you talking to earlier?"


"My window was open. I heard you talking to someone. Please don't tell me you have an invisible friend. You're way too old for that."

Klaus stuck his tongue out at her. "No, I don't have an invisible friend.  You really wanna know?"

"Enlighten me."

"I've sort of been talking to Ben."

"Ben's dead. Oh. Wait. You're seeing him? Klaus, that's great! It means you're sobering up!"

"Yeah, not so much. Ben's still annoying." He glared. "What? You are!"

"Babe?" August called.

Madelina turned to face her husband. "Yes?"

"Diego wants you downstairs. He says it's important."


Madelina walked downstairs and met up with her brother. "What is it?"

He turned to her. "Allison found something she needs us to see."

Diego led her into the drawing room and they stood in front of a monitor.

Madelina's eyes narrowed. "Di, what is this?"

Diego glanced at her. "Luther suspects Mom killed Dad."

Madelina turned to face her brother. "Luther. Are you serious?!"

He glared at her and played the clip. She watched as Grace stood over their father's bed, watching as he died.

"Do you really think Mom would hurt Dad?" Vanya asked from the back.

Madelina shook her head. "I don't think she would."

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