Luther and Madelina

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[This and the following portions will be one-shots of Madi and her siblings. Hope you enjoy! :)

They're all about 13 in these one-shots.]

Luther periodically glancing at Allison from across the room.

Madelina frowned. "Just talk to her. Oh, wait, no, no. She's your sister."

"We're not related. Technically."

"You realize anytime you say technically, you're just proving someone's point, right?"

Luther huffed. "Shut up, Madi."

"Hey. No. You don't get to tell me to shut up."

"Why not? You're being annoying. "

"And you're being gross."

"Madelina! Shut up! Just because you don't have any special powers, doesn't mean you can tell me what to do."

Madelina's eyes narrowed. "Luther, what are you saying?"

"Go bother someone else."

"No, Luther. What were you insinuating?"

He glanced down. "Nothing, Madi."

"Tell me!"

"You're ordinary, Madi, okay?"

Madelina scoffed. "Yeah. I know. Thanks for the reminder."

"Don't get like that."

"Like what, Luther?"

"Making me feel guilty."

"You did that all on your own, Luther. Now, excuse me, I have some ordinary things to do."

She walked away and made her way to Five's room. It'd been about a month since he'd disappeared and for some reason, it always comforted her to sit in his room.

She liked talking to him. He never replied, but it felt good to complain about the stupid things Luther did and she liked to imagine his responses or his laugh at something she said.

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