"So, Madelina Hargreeves..."

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Nearly a year after they'd first met, August decided it was time.

Madelina had said she was ready for their relationship to progress, and August had decided he was ready as well.

He took her to the lake, knowing despite her accident nearly a year before, she still loved going there to ice skate.

He'd brought a boombox, much to the amusement of Madelina.

"So, what is it with the boombox?" Madelina asked. "You haven't said anything."

As they skated, August played their songs.

When Ever Enough, the last song, came on, August took Madelina's hands.

He cleared his throat. "Madelina, I didn't expect you to come into my life. I wasn't looking for you. I wasn't looking for love. But you were so damn irresistible without trying. I fell in love with you before I realized what was happening and it was the scariest best feeling of my life."

He took a moment to calm his nerves. "So, Madelina Hargreeves... Will you do me the honor of becoming my wife?"

Madelina nodded as tears stung her eyes. "Yes. Yes!"

August kissed her and slipped the ring on her left hand.

The crowd that had gathered applauded and August kissed Madelina once again before they showed her ring excitedly.

Madelina smiled and whispered, "Here's to forever."

"Here's to forever," August repeated softly. "I love you, Madelina Hargreeves."

"I love you, too, August Wright."

[Playlist following : ) ]

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