10. The Day That Was

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[I absolutely LOVE Two Steps From Hell. Enjoy this piece, as I thought it fit well with this particular episode. :)]

Vanya had called Madelina, desperate for some family to be with her, and she knew Madelina was the only one that would listen.

Madelina drove to Vanya's and found her twin shaking with anger. "V, hey. It's okay."

Soon, they were joined by Harold, who they still knew as Leonard, and as they walked through the streets, Madelina hummed angrily to herself at her siblings' behavior and sometimes singing helped calm her.

Vanya walked angrily and said, "No, it's my fault. I just wanted them to maybe be proud of me for once. Like Madi always is." As she spoke, the lampposts started bending and people froze, peeking out their windows, hearing Madelina's voice. "And how can I presume to be worthy of their attention? Nothing's ever big enough next to their holier-than-thou weight of the world bullshit!"

"Vanya! Madelina!" Harold cried.

"What?!" The two women cried.

Harold pointed to the lampposts and to the people seemingly frozen in place.

The twins looked at what had happened and Vanya asked, "What the hell is happening?"

"You two happened."

Madelina shook her head. "No. It's just--I don't know. It's nothing."

Harold turned to her. "Madelina, it is something. Like your sister, you can do great things."

"No! I am ordinary! I am nothing! That's what he always told me."

Vanya looked at her twin sadly. "I never knew that. Dad really said that to you?"

"Yeah. I guess because I wanted to play more with the others. More stubborn, more willing to argue. I guess he's right. I'm nothing."

"No, M, you're not nothing. Whatever it is you're capable of, and I know you're capable of things, you're more than nothing. You're special."

Madelina smiled softly. "So are you, V."

Harold smiled at the girls. "Are you two ready?"

"Ready for what?"

"To see what you two can do."

Harold took them to his grandmother's cabin and as they walked in, Vanya said, "Oh, wow. This place is so nice."

Madelina nodded. "Yeah. Thanks for this, Leonard."

"Whose is it again?"

"This is Grandma's place," Leonard replied. "Lots of pinched cheeks, right... Here." The couple chuckled while Madelina looked around the place.

Harold looked at a picture of him and his dad and Vanya asked, "You okay?"

"You spend your whole life trying to forget about the crap you went through as a kid. You know? And then, the second you step back in, you feel just as insignificant."

Madelina sighed. "Oh, I know."

Vanya nodded at her twin's words. "Yeah, I know." She noticed Harold's look. "You know, we don't have to stay here. We can just... Get a shitty motel or something."

"No. It's perfect for what we need to do."

"Which is what, exactly?" The twins asked.

"We need to find out what you two are truly capable of."

"Oh, my God," Vanya muttered.

"Remember what you said the day we met? Practice makes perfect."

"Yeah, this is a little different than chord progressions. I mean, if we do... Look, I can't even say it. We can't wrap our heads around it. There's--"

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