09. The Day That Wasn't

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Wednesday, 8:15 a.m.

Madelina arrived at the house with August and Saraya, just in time to see Allison stalking away.

Leonard smiled, seeing Madelina and her little family. "Hi. I don't believe we've met. I'm Vanya's boyfriend Leonard."

August eyed the man suspiciously, sensing something off about him. He'd always been good at reading people and he sensed something off about Leonard.

Leonard studied Madelina. "You were part of that Umbrella thing, right, uh, Madeline, right??"

Madelina shook her head slowly. "Madelina. And, actually, no. I wasn't. Vanya and I were sort of ignored for being ordinary. I mean, it wasn't so bad. We had each other."

"Yeah. I'm sure that was nice. You two are twins, right?"

"Yeah. I'm the younger one by 12 minutes. V, I need to talk to you ASAP."

Vanya looked at Leonard. "Excuse me."

Leonard nodded and Vanya followed Madelina to another part of the room.

"What is it, M?"

"Well, I'm sure you remember those two nutjobs who attacked the academy."

"Of course I remember them. They didn't attack you, did they?"

"Um, actually they did. They took Klaus and August and when I went to find them, the woman, Cha-Cha, yes that's her name, shot me. She wasn't going to at first. She was actually going to kill Diego's ex-girlfriend, but it was like I was protecting a child. Instantly, I pushed her down and she ended up shooting me. I nearly died. Once I was past the critical stages, I, um--"

"You what?"

"It healed, V."

"It what?!"

Leonard glanced over, wondering if there was a fight. Vanya shook her head, letting him know everything was okay.

"M, I'm so sorry. I wish I'd've known."

"V, it's okay. Honest."

"Madelina..." she paused. "Do you actually have powers?"

She shook her head. "I don't know. I mean, I've always been able to sing, but lately, it's been more, um, what's the word..."


"Yeah. Yeah, that's a good way to describe it. It's been alluring and  healed my wound and I-I don't know what's happening to me!"

Vanya hugged her twin, seeing the tears start to form in her eyes. "It's okay, Madi. It's gonna be okay. I'm right here. We've got each other."

"For now and for forever," Madelina whispered, sniffling.

Vanya dried her twin's eyes and smiled. "How do you feel, Madi?"

"Better. Thanks, V."

"Anytime. Um, I also wanted to tell you that I made first chair."

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