06. Man on the Moon

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August rolled his eyes as Klaus expressed his kinks. He winced, knowing he had a concussion. He didn't need to be a doctor to determine that, but knowing his symptoms helped.

"Where's the boy?" The pink-headed masked figure demanded.

"I don't know," August retorted. "Look, if you let us go, we can find him for you."

"Shut up!" Klaus mumbled through his tape.

August sighed. "Look, people are going to be looking for us. I imagine they already are."

"For you," Klaus muttered.

"Hey. You know as well as I do that my wife is looking for us both."

August glanced at Klaus as their captors stepped to the side. "You okay, man?"

Klaus nodded. "Yeah. Mostly. Are you?"

"I am. They're gonna come for us. I know it."

The two figures walked from the bathroom and the smaller of the two said, "Torturing works best when you know who you're torturing."

"Good luck, then," August spat.

August was backhanded across his face and he glared angrily, not saying a word.

Before he could say anything, a cord was wrapped around his neck. He tried grabbing at the cord and he felt his airway closing. He knew he'd momentarily lose consciousness.

Just before he passed out, the cord was removed from his neck.

In a raspy voice, he muttered, "Bastards."

Klaus looked down as he said, "Okay, fine. I don't... I don't know where Five is. I wasn't lying about that. But I can tell you that he--he hasn't been making much sense since he came back."

August swallowed, wincing at how much it hurt.

"Elaborate," the taller figure demanded.

Klaus stammered as he continued. "He's--he's just been acting like a-a lunatic. He's been sitting in a van in front of a-a lab or something and looking for the owner of an eyeball. It was one of those glass ones."

"That makes no sense."

The smaller figure spoke. "Hold on, just hold on. Tell us more about this eye and why it is so important." Klaus didn't answer. "Continue."

Klaus sighed. "He said it had something to do with the end of times or something."

The two masked figures shared a look before they grabbed the backs of the chairs and dragged the two men into the closet.

August tried head-butting the tall figure, but his head was smacked by the smaller figure. The door was shut and the front door closed.

Klaus instantly started panicking, remembering all the years he'd spent locked in the mausoleum.

"Hey, Klaus," August called softly. "Listen. We'll get out of here."

"You act like you're so sure."

"Because I am. Someone will find us."

Klaus' attention was turned to the sound of a vacuum cleaner and he started screaming under the duct tape.

A short while later, they were pulled from the closet and the formerly masked figures had shown their faces. One was a tall pale man with a scruffy beard and curly brown hair and the tall black woman had a bob cut.

August narrowed his eyes. "Awesome. You've actually got faces. Let us go."

Klaus began saying something and the woman ripped the tape from his mouth as she asked, "What are you saying?"

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