First Date

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August drove to the restaurant he and Madelina had agreed to meet at. He smiled as he walked in. For the first time in as long as he could remember, he could see himself settling down with someone. It was a strange thought, as he had only just met Madelina, but there was something there; something he couldn't explain.

He almost ran out of the restaurant due to his nerves. She was sitting there, studying her menu.

If he didn't know any better, he'd say she looked almost like a Siren.

She glanced up and noticed him.

He joined her at the table at sat down. "Uh, hi. Sorry I'm late."

Madelina smiled. "It's all right. I haven't ordered yet, so you're right on time."

The waiter came and they ordered their food.

"So, Madi. Can I call you that?"

Madelina nodded and August continued. "So, Madi. Tell me about yourself."

She thought for a moment, wondering what exactly to say. "Well, I have seven siblings, all the same age as me. I'm actually a twin. The younger twin."

August frowned. "Wait. Eight children. What's your last name?"

"You looked at my chart. You tell me."

He racked his brain and asked hesitatingly, "Hargreeves?"

"There you go."

"Wait. Didn't your sister write a book?"

"Vanya? Yes, she did. It's about our lives. Why, did you read it?"

"I've been meaning to. Is it any good?"

"It is, actually. She's got a talent for writing. I'd love to know your thoughts as soon as you've read it."

August smiled. "So we'll be seeing each other again?"

"If that's all right with you. I mean, I know I'm enjoying your company on this date, so..."

"I am, too."

"What about you, August?"

"Well, I've lived here my entire life, spent my school years knowing I wanted to be a doctor. I'm still a resident, but most certainly on my way to becoming a doctor."

"That's great! How many years of residency do you still have?"

"At least three, but who knows. What do you do for a living?"

"It's nothing as grand as being a doctor."

"Oh, somehow I don't think that. Tell me. Please."

She smiled. "Okay. I design cards. Whether it be sympathy cards, greeting cards or some other, I'm your girl."

"The next time I need a card for my mom's birthday, I'll be sure to give you a call."

They finished and as they left, August turned to Madelina. "Would you like to spend some time at the park and talk more?"

Madelina shook her head. "No, I'm sorry. I'd love to, but I have a lot of cards to do. But I look forward to hearing from you again, August."

"I look forward to seeing you again, Mads."


"It's a little play on your nickname. I hope you don't mind it? I mean, I, uh, I can scrap it."

She smiled. "No, I like it."

He kissed her cheek and Madelina gave a little wave as she walked to her car.

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