Vanya and Madelina

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Madelina walked into her room to see Vanya. "Hey, V. What are you doing in here?"

Vanya smiled. "I was hoping we could play and sing together?"

"I'd like that. What did you want to sing and play?"

Madelina took a moment to think and suggested, "How about Phantom of the Opera?"

"Great idea. Did you want to do a particular song?"

"How about a medley?"

"That's perfect. You know all the words, right?"

Madelina scoffed lightly. "To my favorite musical? Of course I do. You know all the notes to play?"

Vanya frowned teasingly at her twin. "Of course. I see your point. Shall we? I'll start playing and cue you in."

"I'll be watching."

Vanya started playing Phantom of the Opera and cued Madelina in.

Soon, the room was filled with both a melodious voice and the resplendent notes of the violin.

When the twins did music together, it was as though the world stopped around them, engulfing them into the world of music.

Madelina could feel the music as she sang and tuned her ear to Vanya's violin playing.

As soon as the final notes died out, Madelina grinned. "Wow. I don't know what that was, but wow."

Vanya nodded. "You always say that when you sing and I play, the world stops, freezing everything in time."

"Well, it's true. You can't tell me you didn't feel free for just a moment."

"I did. I think that's why I love music so much. It gives me a chance to escape our life for just a little while."

"Are we twins or something?" Madelina joked.

Vanya laughed. "We must be, if we're both thinking that way. We should make this a thing we often do. Like weekly or something."

Madelina smiled and nodded. "I agree. Perhaps more often, if it's going to be that magical. This is going to be so much fun!"

"Yeah, it will be. I'll start finding songs for us to do together."

"And I'll look as well. Here's to an alluring partnership."

"You're weird."

"So you tell me."

Vanya played several sharp notes on the violin and Madelina laughed. "I'll leave you to your real practicing. If you ever need me to help, just yell for me."

"I will. Thanks, M. Hey, we should come up with a catchphrase or something."

Madelina fell silent in thought. "I know. We've got each other... But what should the second part be?"

"For now and for forever. 'Cause twins have each other for basically forever, right?"

"Yeah. I like that. We can use it interchangeably between us, but yes. I like it a lot. V, we've got each other."

"For now and for forever, M."

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