Welcome, Saraya Alexandra Wright

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[August's song at the top, Madelina's at the bottom]


[Almost seven months before the events of The Umbrella Academy]

The day Madelina had found out she was pregnant once again was one of the best days of her life.

Madelina and August were headed to the hospital, as she was reasonably certain that she'd be having the baby soon. They didn't know what they were having, but they were fine having either a boy or a girl.

On the way to the hospital, Madelina frowned, and realization dawned on her. "August, how close are we?"

"Maybe ten minutes," August replied. "Why?"

"Because my water just broke."

August picked up his speed and they made it to the hospital in five minutes.

Madelina was taken to a room and August followed, holding her hand.

She looked to August in panic. "What if we lose this one too?"

August squeezed her hand and smiled. "Call it a good feeling; I don't think we will."

Madelina smiled and groaned as a contraction hit her.

Seven hours of grueling labor later, a baby's cries sounded.

Dr. Reynolds smiled. "Congratulations. It's a girl."

The baby was cleaned off, swaddled, and placed on Madelina's chest. She hugged her newborn daughter. "Hi, baby. I'm your mommy."

"Saraya," August said suddenly.

Madelina glanced at him. "What?"

"Saraya. It's my mother's middle name."

"It's perfect, August. Saraya..."

August took a moment to look at his newborn daughter. "Saraya Alexandra Wright. A perfect name for a perfect little girl."

Madelina nodded. "I love it, August."

August took Saraya from Madelina and held her, rocking her gently. "Saraya, you've met your mommy. I'm your daddy. And I promise you from this day forward, I won't let any harm come to you. You're gonna be daddy's little girl. I already know."

Saraya started crying and August handed her back to Madelina, who fed their new daughter.

Soon, Madelina and Saraya fell asleep and August smiled at his girls. After Thomas, he wasn't sure he'd get another chance, but he did.

He couldn't ask for a more perfect little girl.

Saraya Alexandra Wright

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