08. Number Five (Part Two)

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As soon as they got back in the car, Diego said, "You got a big mouth, you know that?"

"Oh, wow," Klaus muttered. "What a truly shocking revelation, Diego."

"Guys..." August and Madelina warned, not wanting to be witness to an argument.

Diego continued. "Everything's a big joke to you, right?" He saw Klaus opening up a bag of powder and took it.

Madelina took it from Diego.

"Hey!" Diego cried.

"Dude, relax," Madelina said. "I'm keeping it further from Klaus' reach."

"Whatever." He gestured to the powder. "Would you stop it? Why are you putting this shit in your body?" He blew a raspberry. "Check this out." He smirked as he patted his chest. "Hm? My body is a temple. All that shit you do, it's just weakness."

"And when someone's done praising himself, I believe we have some psychos to find. Frankly, I believe they've got some hell to pay."

Klaus chuckled before glaring at Diego. "Oh, wow, beautiful. Well, weakness feels good. I'm sure August or Madi would agree."

"I'm fine," Madelina reassured.

August nodded. "Me too. Mostly."

Diego looked between the couple. "Sure." He turned back to Klaus. "What's going on with you, huh?" He hit Klaus in the shoulder.

"Don't touch me, asshole!" Klaus yelled.

Madelina placed a hand on his shoulder and he shrugged her off. "Don't!"

His gaze softened. "I'm sorry, Madi. I didn't--"

"It's okay," Madelina replied softly. "I know. I know."

Diego studied his brother. "Don't tell me everything is all right, because I saw you in there. You were crying like a baby! August is more guarded and angry."

Madelina sighed. "Di, did you not see the picture they were staring at?"

"What picture?"

"The picture on the bulletin board. Klaus lost someone very close to him. August lost a friend."

Klaus nodded slowly. "She's right. I did lose someone. The only--" he paused, letting out a deep sigh. "The only person I've ever truly loved more than myself."

Klaus then pulled out a pill. "Cheers." He put it into his mouth.

"Spit it out," August demanded, holding a hand in front of Klaus' mouth.

Klaus smiled. "Too late."

"Don't make me force you to eject it from your system."

"I'll call the police for harassment."

"And I'll tell them I'm a doctor who's got a patient. Let's see who they decide to listen to."

"Boys!" Madelina cried. "Enough! Klaus, you're luckier than most. When you lose someone, at least you can see them whenever you want."

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