Diego and Madelina

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"Madi!" Diego called. "C'mere!"

Madelina walked up to Diego and titled her head. "What?"

"You need to learn to defend yourself. I'm gonna teach you how to use the knives."

"What about Vanya?"

"She's practicing her music right now. Since you were here, I figured maybe--"

Madelina nodded. "Yeah, sure. Defense is important. I'm sorry if I hit you, by the way."

"It's all part of the learning process."

Diego led Madelina outside and asked, "You know what to do with the knife?"

"Stick 'em with the pointy end."

"Exactly. But be careful you don't actually hurt me."

Diego taught Madelina some moves and she decided to use a stick so she'd be less likely to stab him, as she didn't totally trust herself with a knife around her brother.

An hour later, they sat on the ground next to each other and Diego smiled. "Not bad, Madi. With a little more practice, I'd say you'd be able to defend yourself without too much of a problem."

"Well, thanks for teaching me, Di. I really appreciate it."

"Well, I have to look out for my sister."

Diego hugged her then said, "I have to go train, but if you ever want to practice like this again, just ask, okay?"

Madelina nodded and smiled. "I will. Thanks, Diego."

"Sure. See you, Madi."

He walked towards the others and Madelina remained seated in the courtyard, watching the others train.

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