14. The White Violin (Part Two)

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[Hello, Two Steps From Hell :) In  my honest opinion, they have orchestral masterpieces!]

They made their way to the Icarus Theatre. Luther stood in front of the group, ready to enter and stop Vanya, however he needed. Before he could do anything, he was stopped by Allison and her notepad.

'Madi and I should go alone. Vanya will listen to us.'

Their brothers wanted to stop Vanya whilst the sisters wanted to save her. August was playing middle ground. He planned to stay further away, to protect Saraya.

Luther, as Madelina expected, was completely against the idea. "Allison, I can't let you two do that, all right? She's beyond reasoning."

Madelina pursed her lips. "Oh, I don't know. Maybe her twin can get through to her. You ever think of that?"

Diego lifted his head. "You hear the music? It's started."

Luther turned to Allison. "Do you honestly think she's gonna listen? After everything that's happened?"

"You mean after everything you did?" Madelina shot back. "I have half a mind to send you straight to the deepest ocean depths with just my voice. And you know I can. However, I'm choosing not to. Vanya is more important right now."

Klaus groaned. "Guys, we don't have time for this."

Luther sighed, looking at his sisters and gave them a nod. "Okay."

The two women ran inside, August holding Saraya on their heels. Klaus had been chosen to play lookout, which Madelina knew could only end in disaster. She loved Klaus, but trusting him to be lookout was a terrible idea.

The sisters entered the theatre and saw Vanya playing on stage. She was glowing white, and Madelina could tell her sister had truly embraced her powers.

Madelina resisted the urge to sing, as she didn't want to disrupt others or lure innocents to their possible death. August took her hand as he closed his eyes, enjoying the music, and Saraya gripped Madelina's hair.

Allison looked at Vanya, awe swimming in her eyes.

Madelina closed her eyes, remembering all the times Vanya had played a piece on her violin and Madelina had sang along.

The three, so immersed in Vanya's performance, didn't notice Luther and Diego run across the stage until a bright white light forced them back.

The crowd shot up and began screaming and running. They ran from the theatre. Madelina watched as the orchestra tried to leave, but Vanya forced them down with a wave of her bow.

Vanya stepped towards center stage, playing the entire time. Her white aura had become an icy blue.

August pulled Madelina down just as another wave blasted through the theatre. Allison moved closer to Luther and Diego, and they instantly pulled her back to protect her.

Another wave of blue energy blasted through the theatre and Madelina frowned, debating the best way to help Vanya.

Luther glanced between his siblings. "The violin. It's her lightening rod."

"Oh, thank you," Madelina shot back. "I had no idea!"

The orchestra made their escape and Madelina noticed the masked men from the bowling alley. "Just what we need."

Vanya kept playing.

Five spatial jumped behind the couple and Saraya squealed, seeing him. "Hey, Sari. What's with all the lollygagging?"

"Five, get down!" Luther yelled.

August yanked Five down and Five covered his head.

Madelina frowned. "We need some sort of plan or distraction. I think I can get to Vanya, but I need help."

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