The Accident

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Madelina decided to go out to the frozen lake to do some ice skating. She needed to get out of her apartment. She'd always loved the cold weather, and since she'd finished her work, she decided to do some skating.

She grabbed her skates and made her way outside and walked to the lake, as it was close to her apartment building.

As soon as she reached the lake, she pulled on her skates and laced them up.

She skated onto the ice and did a few jumps.

In the distance, towards the other end of the lake, she noticed a little boy about five, making his way towards the more dangerous part. A portion of the ice was breaking, making it dangerous to walk on and before Madelina could think twice, she was rushing towards the boy.

She pulled him out of danger and slipped through the ice.

Madelina tried to hoist herself up, but the water chilled her to the bone.

She couldn't hold on any longer. She felt herself slipping into the depths of the dark, icy water.

When she awoke, what seemed like years later, she turned slowly, seeing a doctor at another bed.

"Hello?" She asked softly.

The doctor made his way to her bed. "Hi..." he looked at her chart, "Madelina. Do you need me to fetch your doctor?"

"You're not my doctor?"

"No. But I did help save your life. A boy's mother called, frantic about a woman who'd saved her son."

"Is the boy okay?"

"Thanks to you, yes."

She started sitting up and he pushed her down. "Whoa, whoa. We need to make sure your vitals are okay."

"Can't you check 'em?"

"I have patients. But I'll send your doctor over as soon as he's available. Oh. Here he is. Dr. Richards, your patient would like to leave."

"Thank you, Dr. Wright. Go tend to your patients."

Dr. Wright gave a small wave. "Pleasure to meet you, Miss Madelina. You're a hero."

Madelina smiled as Dr. Wright walked away.

She glanced at Dr. Richards. "Is he--?"

"Single? As far as I know, yes. He's always busy with work. He claims he's waiting to find the right girl to settle down with. He took quite a liking to you when you arrived; something I haven't seen from him. Must be something about you, Miss Hargreeves."

The next day, after being kept for another day of observation, Madelina was discharged.

She signed herself out and as she was about to leave, Dr. Wright grabbed her arm. "Uh, I'm sorry about that. I was wondering if I could ask you out."

Madelina's lips curled into a smile. "You may. Here's my number, Dr. Wright." She slipped a small piece of paper into his pocket.

"Call me August."

"Well then, August, I'll look forward to hearing from you."

She gave him a small wave and left the hospital.

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