•The offer •

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Zim's eyes widened and his eyes flew this way and that looking for an escape route.
The other kids started moving and Zim used this to his advantage to scamper away to his first block. Dib was left confused amidst the sea of kids, he sighed and shouldered his backpack before walking to his first class, AP geography.
Dib had zoned out pretty early in his teacher's lecture, his work already done, notes taken and his project started. Dibs mind wandered to wherever it wanted and today it was what Zim had said earlier. He said that his laugh was hot. Dib smiled to himself and twirled his pen, his hand mindlessly sketching. Dib would be lying if he said he didn't have a thing for his best friend, he had for years, it was just pushed down. Dib ignored it, but knew it was there. The two never hung out in Dib's room because the place was practically a shrine to Zim. Dib wanted to have Zim close to him, closer than usual at least. The two were inseparable and seeing Zim down brought Dib down too. So Dib started a little plan, since Zim likes his voice so much and the fact that he might have a thing for dib led to Dib deciding that he should put something together just for him. A confession of his love, and a tune to cheer Zim up. But Dib needed some solid evidence that Zim was actually into him, jumping to conclusions wouldn't be very wise after all.

Zim was absolutely dreading third block, he might have been able to avoid Dib all nutrition, but you can't avoid the person who sits literally a foot away from you. Zim would be trapped with the repercussions of some accidental words for an hour and Twenty minutes, that would be torture. Zim might as well feign an allergic reaction to go home. Actually that was a great idea. But who would give him the work to makeup, dib of course, and in his own home he couldn't escape. Zim sighed  and dragged his feet, making his way to class. He made his way to his seat and sat down in his seat and took out his supplies. Zim practically stopped breathing as Dib plopped down beside him and rested his chin on the desk. Dib gave Zim a confused glance but returned his attention to staring at a fly near a desk ahead of them. Dib took off his glasses and lifted the bottom of his shirt to wipe them clean. Zim could feel his eyes glued to the sliver of skin that made him strangely giddy. Zim snapped his focus to something, anything else. Zim couldn't focus or register anything and all he could hear was his own head. Their teacher handed out work and he mindlessly started working on it. A piece of lined paper slid into his sight, on it was a note from Dib.
'Hey wanna hang this afternoon? Clem's gonna make 4 layer cake.'
Zim felt himself drool a little just thinking about that heavenly cake, but Zim was terrified of being alone with Dib, stars above what if he said something that ruined their friendship? Maybe...
Zim passed back the paper after scribbling his response.
'Sure, but Gir will wanna come and I get leftovers for my parents.'
Dib chuckled and answered vocally.
Zim felt the memory resurface from this morning at the sound of Dib's admittedly attractive laugh, and voice and body, and damn it Dib was attractive, but Zim had absolutely no chance with him. He was just a loser with green skin and stunted growth. Zim sighed and laid his head on the desk, then immediately thought of all the germs potentially on it and gagged while sitting up and scratching at his face with his gloves. Dib noticed his scuffle and silently handed over a disinfectant wipe. Dib always had a pack on hand, his best friend was a germaphobe after all.
Zim scrubbed at his face vigorously and let out a shaky breath.
"You good?"
Dib asked, his hand on Zim's shoulder in a comforting manner.
"Good, wouldn't want to damage that amazing skin of yours."
Zim averted his eyes and lifted his shoulders to make Dib's hand move. Zim didn't know how to respond to that and instead refocused more intensely on the assigned work.

•Nighttime Obsession• a human au zadr ficWhere stories live. Discover now