•The call•

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Shoutout to AFanficFreak for writing a big chunk of this chapter :)
Also smut warning ⚠️
Bring bring.
He took in a breath, could he even talk to Dib like this?
Bring Bring.
What if Dib found out and would never talk to him again?
What if-
Zim snapped out of his haze at Dib's voice.
"Hey Dib."
"Hey yourself buddy. What's with the late call? Can't sleep?"
Zim blushed.
"Ugh, how do you always know? Yeah I can't sleep, I've tried everything."
"Have you tried caffeine?"
"No Dib. That will keep me awake longer, I just want to sleep."
"So you called me? Am I that boring Zim?"
Dib teased as he leaned against his bed. He could practically hear Zim's eyes roll over the phone.
"Don't ruin it Dib."
With that one comment it seemed to make Dib feel alittle saddened at his joke previously.
"S-sorry, Zim"
He murmured the caffeine rush really starting to make the boy crash and burn... well, slowly of course and while in this whole situation it seemed to make him think up such an idotic idea.
"If you're not tired, why call me?"
The boy asked starting to click through some things on his laptop.
Zim only seemed to flush more and more intently at what his friend was talking about, god he hated how uncomfortable he was making himself.
"Well I mean.. what else am I to do? Awake late at night.. not feeling all that good? What do you expect?" Zim started to heat up, like, his whole body heat up. Thoughts of last night were flooding back which seemed to oddly enough arouse him alittle more than he was anticipating.

"Siiiiip Oh oops.."
The raven haired boy spoke again picking back up the can he knocked over after taking a rather disruptive sip of it.
"I mean.. if you're just going to sit there in silence what's the point of a call? Hm?"
Dib asked.
"I just.. I'm thinking sorry."
Zim replied.
"Oh, hm.. that would make sense."
Zim couldn't help but slide a hand down to grope at his irritating bulge making him set down his phone and let out a muted moan which picked up on the phone. Zim bit his lip harshly, hand over his mouth, hopefully Dib hadn't heard, god he'd die if Dib had heard.
Dib looked at the phone in shock and pressed his ear closer to it.
Did he hear that? No, it was probably just his imagination, he had watched too much porn probably.
"So, any ideas of what to do on this call?"
Dib asked to clear his head, no reason to make this call awkward for Zim.

Another small moan picked up on the phone, Zim leaning forward and continuing to massage at his irritating little friend in his pants, his hips begun to roll which seemed to make his bed creak and also pick up. He had hid his face into his pillow to muffle out a loud moan for Dib and just make it sound like something else.

Dib fell dead silent hearing the sounds coming from Zim's side, it brought sudden arousal to the boy as he chose to plug in some headphones and sit in silence.

Zim had sat up and mounted ontop of his pillow glancing over at his phone on his nightstand blushing more intently from seeing he was still on a call with Dib. A part of him wanted Dib to listen...so he obliged and went on with rolling and grinding his hips onto his pillow panting and choking back loud moans into smaller ones just barely making through, the creaks of the bed were definitely going through though.

"F-fuck~" was the only word that seemed to pick up, and even then Zim didn't curse... At least not often. The loud pants of the boy begun to pick up aswell..

Dib had started to palm at his own erection biting his lips from hearing his best friend probably forgetting that they were in a call...as Dib has done this before he had chosen to unzip his pants and whip it out.. just so he wouldn't feel uncomfortable.

Zim called out quickly reaching over to end the call.. both ends in shock, both ends aroused.. both.. getting back to their ways of dealing with said arousal. Zim continuing to grind on the pillow, Dib doing the boring way and just sitting back watching shitty porn only to have his minds wonder back to the sounds of his friend... that seemed to turn him on way more than shitty porn, his hand going at it rather roughly thinking Zim was his hand.. and he was fucking him instead, that loud call of his name floating throughout his mind only making him riled up more and more.

"H-hhah.. f-fuck.. g-god..-"
Creak. creak. creak
He cried out again pressing against the wall and continuing his grinding on the pillow, one hand sliding down to start to grip and prod around to give off more stimulation and to make him get out of this disgusting state.
"F-fuck this brain.."
Zim hissed, undoing his own uncomfortable pants and getting back to it with just briefs.. which felt far superior. Things would be much more awkward tomorrow...

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