•It gets worse•

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⚠️Smut warning ⚠️
Dib smirked as he had Zim pinned to a wall, Zim shuddered and looked up at the lanky teen with doe eyes.
"Do you know how long I've wanted this? To see you squirming under me? To see those helpless eyes and soft lips begging for pleasure? Years. So many years Zim~"
Dib pressed against Zim and the shorter boy could feel the taller's warm length straining against his thigh. Zim whined softly as Dib bit his lip and took Zim's in a scalding kiss, tongue eager to scout out Zim's mouth.
Zim moaned softly as Dib grinned and drew back, much to Zim's dissatisfaction, to pull down his boxers and reveal his length. Dib licked his lips as he squeezed Zim's bottom and tugged down the boy's briefs, Zim shuddered at the exposure, but it was soon replaced with a shiver of pleasure as Dib's fingers wandered to his hole and teased around it, his other hand holding Zim's arms above his head. Dib grinned and ground their hips together, Zim returning weakly with soft noises, Dib finally got ready to sink it a lubed digit-

Then Zim woke up, Zim caught his breath as he tried to sit up, but couldn't, Dib's arms were around his waist, a leg thrown over Zim's. And then Zim felt it- Dib's cock pressing into his side. Zim went red as he looked down, he was tempted to take a peek, but quickly pushed the thought away.
That was super creepy, even if Dib was his best friend and he was super hot, Zim couldn't just look at his penis, could he?
One tiny little look wouldn't hurt, and it wasn't like he was looking at it to get off, no, he was just curious, if Dib asked to see Zim's the boy would do it within a heartbeat, they were best friends and Zim trusted Dib. Besides, Dib wouldn't know.
Zim rationalized his horny curiosity and cautiously pulled down the front of Dib's boxers, Zim went red and gulped, his dreams were completely wrong about Dib's size, he was far more well hung in person.
Zim was a little tempted to touch, it was probably warm, it looked soft and well groomed. Dib turned onto his back and was pulled on top of the snoring boy who was drooling onto his pillow. Zim bit back a sound as their lengths rubbed together. Hold it together Zim.
Zim barely noticed that his hand was stroking Dib's abdomen gently, when he did he went red, Dib was way harder than before, Zim felt bad and rationalized that if Dib wasn't hard he'd sleep better.
Zim bit his lip and unwrapped Dib's arms carefully from his waist and led a shaky hand to his best friend's cock. A nervous stroke had Dib leaning into Zim's warm touch, Zim felt... wrong for doing this, but he was just helping his friend sleep better, right? He continued working his pale fingers on Dib's flushed shaft, shuddering when precum beaded the tip, maybe Zim should use his mouth so there wasn't a mess? Dib would probably be embarrassed if there was cum all over the sheets. Zim scooted down and bit the inside of his cheek as he got face level with Dib's length, licking the tip and closing his mouth nervously around it, tongue swirling a little and tasting the precum. Dib let out a pleased groan and relaxed a little, moving deeper into Zim's mouth with a small thrust. Zim went red and bobbed his head, taking more of Dib in his mouth, cheeks burning warmly. Zim licked the underside and watched Dib's face anxiously to see if the Membrane woke up as he sucked gently.
Seeing that Dib was still out cold, Zim continued to give head to his best friend.
God that sounded wrong
Probably cause it is
Zim pushed away that thought as he started to enjoy the feeling of Dib's length hitting the back of his throat, Dib was making more noises, was he close? Zim hopes he wasn't, definitely not because he enjoyed this, nope it was totally because he'd have cum in his mouth soon. Zim licked circles around the tip as he bobbed his head slowly, squeaking when Dib moaned quietly and bucked his hips into Zim's mouth as he came. Zim's mouth was filled with seed as Dib let out his load and laid back comfortably against the pillows, looking relaxed, Zim took his mouth off carefully, cheeks full of cum, he should spit it in the toilet or...
Zim swallowed the chalky and slightly bitter tasting substance, drying Dib off and tucking him back in his pants before getting up to drink some water and go to the bathroom to think about what he did and jerk off.

•Nighttime Obsession• a human au zadr ficWhere stories live. Discover now