•Sweet sugary bliss•

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Dib woke up to Zim petting his hair and looking like an angel from heaven.
"Morning handsome."
Zim cooed and kissed his nose,
"Sleep well?"
Dib registered the soft morning light painting the petite boy in ethereal tones.
"You look, really pretty,"
He said with a lopsided smile,
"Shut up!"
Zim blushed and pushed him playfully. Dib went red as the blankets shifted to reveal their bare bodies and that Dib hadn't pulled out last night.
"Um... can I pull out?"
He asked, making Zim look down,
"Oh! Y-yeah, you can."
Dib tugged his hips back, flushing at the seed that dribbled from Zim's hole. The boy groaned softly and stretched his back.
"Thanks, want to have a bath with me and go out for breakfast?"
Zim asked, touching Dib's chest. The taller boy grinned,
"I'd love to!"
Zim giggled and kissed his cheek.
"Last night was fantastic."
Dib smiled and nodded.
A glance at the clock made him panic,
"Shit- we have school today-"
Zim pulled him into a kiss,
"Let's skip~ I want to have a soft day, we'll say we're sick."
"You're evil."
"You love it."
They kissed again, just enjoying the calm morning.

Zim hummed as he snuggled in the bathrobe Dib had wrapped him in though he himself was sopping wet. Dib was currently talking to Clem over the phone, only wrapped in a towel. Zim bit his lip and took in Dib's frame, he was a great runner, and he looked fantastic.
"Yes Pop, I'm okay, tell dad I'm missing school to look after Zim. Love you."
Dib hung up and smiled, turning to look at Zim.
"See something you like? You're staring after all."
Zim smirked,
"I want your lips on mine."
"Again? Greedy baby."
Dib pulled Zim in his lap and kissed Zim's cheek.
Zim giggled,
"What can I say? I'm a simple man."
Dib smirked and kissed Zim's neck, the boy gasped and whined,
"Dib! Stop teasing you snot!"
Dib only grinned and started blowing raspberries into Zim's skin, making Zim howl and kick at him, getting him in the gut.
"Humph, if you're gonna goof around then you don't get a kiss, or breakfast with me."
"What? Come on Zim!"
The boy climbed off Dib, much to the boy's complaints.
"Ziiiimmmm, I'm sooooorrry! I'll kiss you all you want!"
Dib whined, Tugging at Zim's bathrobe to get Zim back on his lap.
Zim rolled his eyes and settled in Dib's lap,
Dib's lips were on him in an instant, Zim kissed back and let out a soft pleased noise at his boyfriend's response, Dib's kisses made him feel great, even if they were messy.
They kept making out until Zim pulled back to breathe
"Huuah! O-okay, we should stop for now..."
Dib smirked,
"Mmm, babe you got a little something here."
Dib pointed to his neck and Zim got up to look in his single mirror, he had dark hickeys all over his neck and shoulders.
"Oh gosh..."
The pale boy flustered remembering how good the love bite felt. He'd have to wear a sweater for the day, or his mom would flip out.
Dib admired the marks and kissed each one before bringing Zim a fluffy turtleneck.
"I'll make you breakfast."

The table was tense as Doris looked between the two, Dib had stayed the night apparently and her Zim was blushing like a berry.
"So what's on your minds?"
"Oh, um-"
"Me and Dib are dating now!"
Zim blurted, anxiety nipping at him too harshly.
"Oh, oh my. Congrats!"
Mrs. Ira smiled warmly.
"Now Dibble, don't you dare hurt my baby boy."
Dib chuckled and relaxed,
"I wouldn't dream of it."
He grinned at Zim and kissed his cheek.

A week later and they were cuddling in Dib's room as the boy blabbered about cryptids, Zim giggled and pulled him into a sweet kiss that made Dib melt and tug Zim closer.
They had announced their relationship to the school and Dib's family, getting positive results aside from Keef, who Dib knocked out for touching Zim while they were walking.
Everything was just perfect, Zim had an amazing attractive, rich and sweet boyfriend, if this was a dream then Zim never wanted to ever wake up. Pinches and kisses became a morning routine.

•Nighttime Obsession• a human au zadr ficWhere stories live. Discover now