•Staying the evening•

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Zim snorted as Dib tried to lick frosting off his nose as the two did their homework.
"Dumbass, use your finger!"
Dib licked off a small bit and put his arm up in success. Zim rolled his eyes,
"Hey what's number 15?"
"I could tell you..."
Zim crossed his arms,
"If! You can eat this off your nose!"
Dib smeared frosting on Zim's nose quickly, making the boy squeak.
"Dib! Get it off! I might have an allergic reaction!"
"Geez, okay."
Dib leaned closer, eyes flicking to Zim's lips slightly, before he licked the frosting off of Zim's nose.
Zim went pink and stood up to break their tension.
"I'm... gonna go wash my face, you slobbered all over me!"
"It's 206.5 by the way."
Dib said as he rubbed the back of his head.
Zim walked to the bathroom quickly and washed his face before returning to the study to finish their math homework.

"Ugh, I'm bored, can we go hang out in your room?"
Zim asked and he laid over the back of the couch.
"No! I mean- it's a mess and there's a lot of embarrassing stuff in there..."
Dib said rapidly, there was no way he was letting Zim into his room, what if he saw the shrine and less than savory photos of his butt? Dib could lose his best friend and the love of his life,
"What, afraid I'll see all your porn magazines?"
"What? No! I don't use that shit. I just don't want you to see my room, okay?"
Zim sighed,
"Yeah, okay. I'm gonna get a soda, you think of something to do."
"Got it!"
Zim went to the kitchen and opened the fridge. He found some soda and decided to bring Dib a can too, but realized there was only one... and it was Dib's favorite flavor, but Zim was so thirsty.
Zim brought the can back and saw that Dib had set up his laptop.
"Hey, there was one an left... it's dark poop."
"Oh, we could share it."
Dib offered, Zim nodded awkward and popped open the can to take a swig before handing it to Dib.
Dib sipped the soda as if he was giving Zim a gentle kiss, after all Zim's lips had touched this can, it was definitely going to the shrine. Dib's thoughts turned to his room. Zim was staying the night, he absolutely could not let Zim sleep in there... maybe they could sleep on a pulled out couch. Yeah that sounded about right.
"Anyways so what did you come up with?"

The two played video games and searched invention forums until dark when Zim yawned.
Dib closed his laptop,
"I should setup the couch."
"The couch?"
Zim echoed in curiosity,
Dib nodded,
"Since my room is in such a bad state, you'd probably rather sleep on a clean couch right?"
Zim pursed his lips.
"Yeah, that makes sense, I'll help you."
Doris dropped off Zim's overnight bag a while after they finished getting the couch ready with Clem's help.
Zim went to the bathroom to get ready for bed and Dib slipped into his room to put the empty can in the Zim's corner and it on some pajamas, it was a bit hotter than usual as Dib often slept in just his boxers. Dib brushes his teeth and wished his sister and dads goodnight.
Zim was already tucked into bed with the lights off, Dib laid a foot away from the tired boy and smiled to himself like an idiot, Dib just felt so good lying in the same bed as Zim, he stayed quiet as to make sure Zim could fall asleep.

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