•Bubble bath•

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Zim's lips were sweet against his own as Dib kissed him feverishly, hand sliding down to pet the boy's length. Zim's moans were like a drug, addictive and leaving him yearning for more. The little noises and utterances of his name only fed his lust for the boy beneath him.
He was beautiful, with big shiny purple eyes and raven hair that fell in his eyes that seemed to further offset his pale green freckled skin. Dib knew he was gorgeous.
Small suckles on his neck had the boy begging for Dib, whines escaping bitten lips. Hands squeezed at thick hips and spread plush thighs, pale green flushed with pink. It didn't take long for the boy with the glasses to undo his pants and throw them off, throwing his shirt off in the process. It leaving him and his beautifully tanned body for display. Almost immediately after he started to fumble with his own boxers getting ready to just rut into the boy like this was the one and ONLY time they'd be able to do it.
Moments before the boy had slammed himself in Zim woke up, with a loud groan from his soiled sheets, to his rough hang over and to him waking up from a nice dream right before it got good.
The boy whispered running a hand through his hair and checking his phone, it was 6 in the morning, mother should be up soon.. best to throw these into the wash and take a nice long shower, wondering if these dreams were just to throw him off track of something, but what?
Love is blind they all say, but what does that really mean? The boy wondered now starting a bath to relax his ringing head, and tossing a bathbomb he snagged into the water. He eventually slid in just to think about why he's been acting oh so differently now that he's got this major crush on Dib.

Dib rolled over in his sleep and groaned as he fell on the floor.
Dib's head hurt as he remembered what happened the night before.
The party, going home with Zim, the panties- kissing Zim.
Dib felt his lips, Zim's had been just as soft as he'd imagined. God he wanted Zim more than he'd ever had in his whole life. Dib needed to get up and do something, he needed to see Zim, he was gonna do it, he was gonna confess, screw his plan to bring Zim to a concert and confess there, he grabbed a jacket and headed downstairs, he pulled on his shoes and wrote a quick note before leaving the house and running to Zim's house.

Zim relaxed in the tub and hummed, the pain meds he took earlier kicking in to stop his aching brain, he'd had another dream before the one he woke up to, but it had felt so real, could it have been real? He did wake up in just a shirt and the pink underwear, like in his dream. Zim blushed and sunk deeper Into the water. Dib has kissed him. It seemed too good to be true.

Dib tapped his foot outside of Zim's house, he couldn't just go in the front door, in his rush he hadn't put on pants like an idiot. Eyes flicked to an open window to Zim's room. Climbing trees in his spare time wasn't useless after all.

Zim was vibing in the dark bathroom, he had lit a few candles to fully relax for the first time this week. He squeaked at a knock on the door.
"Mom! I'm taking a bath!"
Zim yelled as he took a breath and laid back.
Dib blushed.
"Um, it's Dib."
"Dib? What are doing here this early?"
"I had to see you. Can I come in?"
Zim went red and looked around the dark room, he had left the door unlocked...
Dib listened for an answer and asked again,
"Please? I really just need to see you Zim."
"The door is unlocked..."
Zim answered softly, sinking in the bubble bath further. The door opened slowly and Dib entered the dark room. Stopping in his tracks when he saw Zim.

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