•Getting Gir•

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The block ended soon enough and the boys separated to head to their next classes. Zim sent a text to his younger brother about the plan to go to the membrane household and eat cake. Gir got super excited and keysmashed in response, Zim shook his head in affection and shoved his phone back in his pocket then walked to his next period, only one more til he saw Dib again at lunch and then one more period until they could go eat cake.
In his own class Dib's mind was only one place. Zim. Dib wasnt going to lie to himself any longer. He was in love with Zim Ira, and he was going to finally hang up that pride flag his father gifted him last June. No more sitting in the closet for it, a funny coincidence to be sure, but no longer. He was gonna hang it up above his bed or behind his door. Dib distracted himself after he finished his test by thinking about the short germaphobic ego maniac and his hyper brother. Gir was awesome, always sharing, even if you wanted none of what he made. He loved cooking and often made waffles for his big brother. Gir was always making messes, he wore a green dog onesie all the time and was the craziest, most creative seven year old you'd ever meet. He once made soap with bacon in it, Zim was furious, it was hilarious.
Dib chuckled at the memory and the teacher cleared her throat,
"Is there something you'd like to share with the class Dib?"
Dib snapped back to reality and flushed slightly,
"No ma'am."
The teacher turned back to the board and Dib took inventory of what was on it and took notes as he tuned out the teacher's lecture. The period inched by, Dib checked the clock again, how had it only been 5 minutes since the teacher stopped writing? It felt like it had been an hour, Dib rubbed his eyes tiredly, exhausted from staying up late to listen to anything his tech could pick up from space. Zim also nagged him for his sleep schedule, but he himself wasn't any better, Zim always had dark eye bags and frequently nodded off in class to head to dreamland. Speaking of dreamland, Zim had mentioned a weird dream this morning. Dib wished he hadn't broken Zim's dream reader device last year, he'd like to know what was bothering his best friend, his cute best friend. Dib wondered if his lips were as soft as they looked, he probably tasted like candy, as that was all he ate. The bell ringing snapped Dib from his thoughts and he gathered his things to head to lunch. Dib spotted Zim at their table being bothered by a certain ginger.

"Come on Zim! Just one date!"
"No Keef! How many times do I have to drill it into your head? I'm not interested! Besides I already like someone else..."
Zim mumbled the last part with a blush, Keef's face darkened.
"It's Dib isn't it?"
"W-what?! No! No..."
Keef groaned,
"Of course you choose the rich asshole! I could treat you so much better than he could!"
"Go away Keef!"
"Fine you bitch!"
Keef hissed as he slunk away.
"He should be on r/niceguys huh?"
Dib said as he sat down next to Zim. Zim flushed and laughed awkwardly,
"Stars, Keef is such an asshole, can't he take a hint already?"
Zim exclaimed angrily, he huffed and opened his bag to get his bag of sweets. Dib took out his lunch, Gaz wandered to their table and sat with them.
"Hey losers."
"Hey Gaz."
Dib responded calmly, starting to eat his apple. Gaz looked at Zim,
"So did Dib invite you over for cake or is he as much as a shit stick as usual?"
Sha asked, Dib gasped and covered his heart dramatically,
"Oh! My soul, you insulted my quality as a friend! How scandalous! Oh suck an egg Gaz."
Gaz rolled her eyes.
"Yes Gaz, Gir's coming too."
"Good, something to balance out your sexual tension."
Dib sputtered as Gaz smirked.
"Shut up Gaz!"
Lunch went on as expected, the other classes dragged on, but eventually the day ended and Zim and Dib walked out of their class.
"Finally, c'mon let's go get Gir."
Dib said with a grin, leading Zim to the front gates, Gaz was walking home,
"See you losers!"
"Bye Gaz!"
The two boys walked to Zim's house on the nice end of town, Zim fiddled with his fingers and blushed. He didn't want to say anything in fear of messing up. Dib was as strangely quiet as well. Zim thanked a higher power as he saw his house come into view. Gir stood against the window and lit up when he spotted the two, running out the front door.
"Zim! Are we gonna go get cake?"
The boy asked as he jumped up and down excitedly.
"Yep, have you told mom where we're going?"
Gir nodded excitedly. Dib giggled and Gir buzzed with energy,
Within a second Gir had tackle hugged Dib, which only made the senior laugh.
"Hey Gir, how are you?"
"Really good! I'm gonna have cake!"
Dib smiled at Gir's antics.
"You betcha buddy, let's go over there now."
Zim stared softly at how Dib was so tolerant and kind to Gir, It made him blush.

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