•Cake and Clem•

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After a walk back to Dib's house they were met with Clem opening the door and beaming.
"Hey guys! Come on in!"
The three walked in and Zim beamed as his little brother jumped up excitedly.
"Thank you Mr. Clem!"
Clem chuckled warmly and scooped the seven year old up,
"You're welcome Gir."
Dib smiled and sat at the table after hanging up his backpack by the door, machinery already moving it to the study.
"Hey Clem, when is dad gonna be home?"
Clem smiled,
"He got off early today in fact! Dear!"
Membrane poked his head out of the study,
"Yes puddin'?"
"Zim and Gir are over for cake."
Membrane entered the kitchen and kissed Clem's cheek,
"Great, are you two staying for dinner?"
Zim scratched his head,
"I might be able to, but Gir can't, he has a doctor appointment at 4."
Gir frowned and huffed,
"I don't wanna go, I wanna stay with yous."
Zim pet Gir's head and hugged him.
"I'm sorry Gir, but mama said so, and we want mama to be happy right?"
Gir nodded quickly. Zim smiled and ruffled his hair,
"We'll make it up to you okay?"
Gir said happily, Clem smiled and opened the fridge to pull out the beautifully iced cake, Zim could feel his mouth practically water.
Gir squealed happily and Membrane grinned.
"Oh, Clem that looks great!"
Zim didn't catch the sweet smile Dib had or how his eyes never left Zim for longer than a moment.

The four dug into the delicious cake, Gir babbling about his new friend Moose and membrane telling them about his latest experiment in the lab. Clem gushed over his banana bread recipe his grandmother wrote and Gaz told them about the progress in her new game through mouthfuls of cake.
"And what about you Dib?"
"Oh, well the track team has been practicing for cross country, Coach is sure we'll place a high rank."
Zim fiddled with his sleeves as his cheeks reddened of the thought of Dib running. It had started with him in his track jacket, but quickly slipped to him in a white tee, then before Zim knew it Dib was running shirtless in his head-
"Zim? Are you okay?"
Clem's voice asked worriedly
"I, yeah, I'm fine just zoned out..."
"Well, how was your day?"
"Um, okay I guess, I had a short sleep from a weird dream... that's about it..."
"Oh, well any plans for the weekend?"
"Might go to the mall... but other than that, I'm not sure..."
Zim's phone rung loudly in that moment,
"Hold on just a second,"
Zim answered it, seeing it was his mother,
"Yeah mom?"
Zim asked as he got up to take the call.
"Hi sweetie, I'm by Dib's house, are you coming with Gir and I to the hospital? Or are you staying a little longer?"
"Um, I'd like to stay a little longer, they invited me over for dinner..."
"Oh that's lovely, are you staying the night?"
Zim pulled the phone away,
"Mr. Membrane, could I sleep over?"
"Why of course, if it's alright with your mother of course."
"Can I mom?"
"Yes, should I bring you an overnight bag?"
"Uhhh, yeah..."
"Alright, can you lead Gir out to the car?"
"Yeah, I'll bring you some cake too."
Zim hung up,
"Okay Gir, mom's outside, we're gonna bringer her some cake too."
Gir chirped with a wide grin.

Zim walked to the car and helped Gir in, his mother kissing his forehead in thanks before sending him back and driving off. Zim waved and headed in to be stuck with Dib and his family all evening and night.

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