•Sleepless Worry•

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Dib woke up from a wet dream that turned into an adventure expecting his pants to be a mess.
They weren't.
He turned to Zim who looked awful.
"Woah Zim, did you get any sleep last night?"
"A little..."
The pale green boy whispered out, there were heavy bags under his eyes from staying up from shame.
"Zim,we have school, no, I have school, you're going home and resting up."
Zim blushed at how firm and commanding Dib's voice was. Zim was about to complain but yawned softly.
"How about I take you home kitten?"
Dib cooed softly, Zim went red at that.
"You yawn like a kitten."
Dib grinned at the flustered boy and scooped the boy up, making him squeak and cling to Dib's neck.
"What are you doing?"
Zim screeched at the taller boy.
"I'm gonna carry you so you can nap, I can handle it, you weigh basically nothing."
Dib explained as he carried Zim easily and grabbed the boy's things.
"Alright, did I get everything?"
Dib asked the still flushed boy who simply nodded. Dib shrugged and opened the front door.
"I'm taking Zim home!"
No one in the house was awake but Dib still did it as he put on shoes and started walking Zim home in his pajamas.
Zim rested his head against Dib's chest shamefully, he didn't deserve this. Dib was just so nice to him and cared about him. Zim felt like a monster for what he did last night.
"Hey, Zim you okay? You look down, smile for me Space boy."
Zim bit his lip, he was tempted to tell Dib what he did.
"Dib I-"
Dib listened intently as his feet moved
"Never mind..."
Zim looked away from Dib, looking at the boy only made his chest ache with shame.
"You'll tell me when you're ready buddy, get some rest, I promise I won't drop you."
Zim pursed his lips and shut his eyes tightly, maybe he'd feel better if he slept.
Dib sighed softly and carried Zim towards his house, staying quiet to let the boy nap. Dib tried not to think about the first part of his dream, instead focusing on the second part where he and Zim went on an adventure and held hands as they ran through the rain, kissing gently by firelight. It was a wonderful dream, Dib was certainly going to write it down in his dream notebook.
Dib looked down at Zim and brushed hair from his freckled sickly pale skin. Dib thought he was beautiful and brought the boy home, knocking on the front door.
Doris ira opened it and looked at her son.
"Oh my! Is he alright?"
"He's okay, just needs some sleep, I'll get the schoolwork for him today."
Dib answered, Doris smiled at that.
"You're such a kind boy Dib, your fathers must be so proud."
Dib chuckled and stepped in the house.
"I'm gonna tuck him in, okay?"
Dib asked his best's friend's mother.
"Of course dear, just head on up."
Dib brought Zim up to his room and set the boy gently on his bed, Dib smiled and tucked him in, kissing Zim's forehead gently.
"Sleep well gorgeous."
Dib straightened his posture and shut the door behind him as he left.
Zim opened his eyes, cheeks ablaze at what just happened. He buried his head under the covers, sleep would make this better, right?

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