•Drunken Dilemma•

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"Ummmm sure...?"
The boy asked moving his hands out of the way, blushing intently at Zim's finger tracing it's circle.
The raven haired boy suggested. Zim grinned and dragged Dib out of the room with a giggle.
Dib obediently followed, his erection hurting and aching for attention. It stretching at his pants made him wonder if he needed new ones after this.
"Huh... surprised you still have some sort of control."
Zim hummed softly,
"What d'ya mean?"
He slurred slightly, absolutely wasted to his core. He was leading Dib out of the house mindlessly.
"What did you want to show me huh?"
Dib asked taking the lead and having a surprisingly short walk over to the Zim's house.
"Youuuuu'll seeee!~"
Zim giggled as he fumbled for his keys to unlock the door.
"O-oh um... Zim I- I can't really go inside your house, I don't know what your mom'll think umm.."
Dib was starting to feel his anxiety peak, his hands still rather firm on grasping Zim's shoulders as he was very over protective over his one, singular friend.
"Psh, she's asleep, don't worry so much, I'll just make something up later."
Zim opened the door and dragged Dib in, locking it up behind them and dropping it in the key bowl lazily. Dib had silently followed him to his room, staring down at him waiting for Zim to show whatever it was so he could flee back to his own house and deal with his disgusting boner.
"Hhhh... make it quick spaceboy-"
Zim went to his bed and patted it,
Dib let out a shaky exhale and chose to delicately take a seat next to the boy, shutting the door on his way. Oh how happy his little friend was... this was so perfect to finally do it... so perfect for him and Zim to finally tell feelings and go straight into getting rid of some of the sexual tension! If only zim wasn't shitfaced drunk.
Zim started taking off his sweater, he chucked the article to the floor and got up slightly as he slipped off his pants with difficulty to show off the frilly pink panties he'd donned earlier that night.
"Okay... just- show what you've gotta show.. I have to go shower and-"
Dib covered his mouth and chose to turn his face away. His other hand skillfully sliding down to start to rub at his irritating bulge in the dark room. He shut his eyes and dropped his head so he could keep his eyes off the prize as it was rude to stare. No way in hell was he going to anyway.
Zim giggled and straddled Dib's lap.
"You like?"
Dib quickly retracted his hand and stared down at the boy.
"N-nnh- I-I umm... Zim. Is-is this it?"
He asked still trying to act clueless on what the boy in his lap was doing. Zim's smile faltered,
"Do.. do you not like it?"
Lavender eyes focused sadly on Dib's face, Had he read it wrong? Zim was so sure Dib would like it.
"W-what am I supposed to be looking at- because if it's you, I sure do enjoy it~"
Dib cooed seeming to gain some confidence and gripping tightly onto the lavender eyed boy's hips to keep them away from Dib's aching bulge.
Zim didn't register the compliment and whined.
"The underwear! Don't you like it?"
Dib had chosen to lean back, him hooking his thumbs under the waist band of the underwear pulling at them in a teasing manner.
"On you, they look stunning~"
He tried to throw another compliment, this time in a desperate attempt to get Zim to catch on. If he didn't Dib was going to give up. Zim relaxed and smiled.
"Good, you keep getting in my dreams."
Zim mumbled, drunk mind jumping from thought to thought.
Dib had chosen to pin Zim to the bed, rather ferocious with his movements as he was just looking to fuck already... no! No you can't! That's illegal!!
His head screamed,
"L-look Zim I-I've gotta head home... I'll talk to you tomorrow..."
He chose to place a quick kiss on Zim lips before he would escape out of the house back to his own. Zim kissed Dib back and whined when it stopped.
Dib left the room quickly and Zim curled up in his bed, thoughts swirling in his drunken haze

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