•My nighttime obsession•

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When Dib finally pulled his fingers back Zim was grinding his hips desperately against the bed.
Dib flipped him over and pinned his hands above him.
"Aww, Spaceboy~, are you getting desperate?"
Zim whined and wiggled his hips, Dib licked his lips and grabbed a condom from the conveniently placed box Zim had set out earlier.
"It's your fault for teasing me."
Zim crossed his arms and lifted his rear up.
"Now you better make up for it."
Dib nipped the boy's neck, making Zim squeak,
"You're not in charge here babe."
"G-got it... could you flip me over though? I wanna see you."
Dib smirked and flipped the pale boy and kissed him quick.
Zim nodded, while they had been bantering Dib had lubed up his length and now had it positioned between Zim's cheeks.
"I want you Dib."
Dib forced himself in, in as far as he could go, his hips slowly grinding, and hands gripping tightly onto the pale rear he just forced into. He had disinfected the hand he used to stretch Zim out earlier due to Zim's germaphobic tendencies.
Zim held onto the sheets tightly and hissed at the rough entry.
Dib ran his hands along Zim's body almost impatiently as he waited for the shorter boy to adjust.
Zim caught his breath and distracted himself from the pain by pulling Dib into a kiss, which the boy happily took the lead of.
A lick of Zim's bottom lip had his opening his mouth for Dib to eagerly explore.
"Fuck, I've never... god, never thought I'd actually get to kiss you one day, I've wanted to for years."
Dib breathed out before diving back into the kiss and giving a small thrust. Zim gasped and melted further beneath Dib, holy shit he felt good.
Dib on the over hand was in heaven, not only was he dating the boy he'd crushed on for years, but he was fucking him too. Everything was worth this. Zim felt so tight, squeezing on Dib like no tomorrow and slowly rocking his hips against Dib's shallow thrusts, they broke apart to breathe and Dib thumbed Zim's red cheek.
The boy panted and moaned quietly as Dib hit a good spot. Dib rammed into that spot again excitedly, reveling in the louder reaction of his boyfriend.
"You like that spaceboy?"
Zim bit his lip and nodded.
"More!~ do more Dib."
"Don't have to tell me twice."
Zim squeaked as Dib started slamming into the spot repeatedly,
The taller boy grinned and nipped his neck, sucking on a spot to form a hickey, Zim didn't mind. 

The creaking of the bed and the sounds of sloppy make outs and moans filled the air, along with the slap of wet skin against skin.
"Fuck, Ziiiim~"
Zim drooled against the pillow, his hips were held up by Dib's large hands, his ass ached but holy fuck if it didn't feel good, the continuous thrusts made the bed creak and Zim dribble out noises.
Dib bit down on Zim's neck and sucked, the bottom gasped and wiggled his hips, moaning loudly.
That made Dib smirk,
"Got a thing for hickeys baby?"
Zim nodded and whined, tilted his head to give Dib more access.
The taller boy sped up his thrusts and sucked and bit Zim's neck and chest, he even got a couple on Zim's thighs, which Dib was very proud of and Zim thanked his flexibility for.
Dib was ramming into his prostate and hand Zim at the edge of orgasm,
Zim whined, Dib grinned and squeezed Zim's bottom before taking the pale boy's twitching length in a steady hand and stroking it with reverence as he pounded Zim's ass.
Zim squeaked as he came and clenched on the blanket as he made a mess of his thighs and Dib's chest.
Zim panted and mewled with each thrust Dib gave, he licked their lips together and kissed the membranling happily as the boy finished in him.
Dib flopped his head against Zim and collapsed on him.
"Hughhh, so... tired."
Zim smiled and pet Dib's hair,
"You did so good."
He cooed raspily, but Dib had already fallen asleep on top of him. Zim smiled and kissed his boyfriend's forehead and followed suit.

•Nighttime Obsession• a human au zadr ficWhere stories live. Discover now