•Sloppy confessions•

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Zim sat in the dark, covered in bubbles, with candles burning around him. Dib shut the door and gaped at the boy, cheeks going warm, while he pulled his sweater down to mask his erection.
He mumbled out of breath, Zim looked at him and bit his lip slightly.
"So, what do you need?"
He asked nervously.
"Um, I just want to talk about... last night."
They both blushed at the thought of the night before.
"W-what about it?"
Zim stuttered out.
"Um, the underwear... the k-kiss... y'know."
Zim looked to the side.
"I was drunk Dib..."
"I know, look I shouldn't have kissed you... or pinned you. You were totally wasted and couldn't consent. I'm sorry."
Zim let out a high pitched groan suddenly, making Dib look at him in confusion.
Zim squeaked, pointing to the door.
"W- can I stay in your room?"
"Sure- go!"
Dib left the bathroom and Zim sighed in relief as he slipped his fingers back out of his cheeks, that was terrifyingly hot. Dib standing there while he fingered his ass sneakily. Zim snuck the two fingers back in and moaned under his breath.
Zim sank down and prayed that no one had heard that. A third finger and he was drooling, grinding back, this was as far as he'd ever gone, just at 3 he felt overwhelmed. Dib would be so much more than 3 fingers worth, maybe Dib would stretch him out lovingly before pounding him into his bed.
God that sounded good.

Dib blushed as he heard Zim moan out his name once more. He was gonna cave if he stayed there, he was quick to go to Zim's room and sat on his bed. Dib noticed that his own sweater was on the floor, it smelled like Zim, had Zim worn it? He bit his lip at the thought of the small boy swallowed up in his too large sweater. Dib awed at just the thought.

It was a good 15 minutes before Zim came back in the room, wrapped in a fluffy towel. His cheeks were pink and his skin had a dewy glow to it that made Dib swoon.
Zim said quietly, jolting Dib from his thoughts.
"Hey, you look good."
Zim blushed and sat on the bed next to Dib. Dib felt his heart rate skyrocket at the sight of pink panties on the floor, Zim was naked before him, and it made his loins burn and ache for stimulation, he couldn't even hide the bulge at this point, he was just in boxers and a jacket after all.
"You look good too."
Zim smiled and tucked some wet hair behind his ear. Dib's breath was stolen for a moment.
Dib held Zim's wet shoulders and looked him in the eyes.
"I love you. And not like, friend love, but like, romantic love. I've had a crush on you for years and I just have to get it off my chest!"
Dib blurted, feeling his face go warm. He looked to the side, afraid of Zim's reaction. He did not expect for Zim to straddle his lap.
"Well now you have my consent, as I'm not drunk anymore~"
Dib's gaping was stopped by Zim joining their lips passionately. His lips were still incredibly soft, and he tasted just as sweet as last night, but without the boozey after taste. Zim moaned softly into the kiss as it grew heated. Dib was quick to flip them and pin Zim to the bed, feeling up Zim's sides hungrily.
Then there was a knock on the door.
"Sweetie, what's the racket in there?"
Zim paled at the sound of his mother's voice and looked at Dib nervously, making a quick shooing motion, Dib nodded and kissed his cheek before slipping out the window.
Zim pulled on Dib's sweater and pulled a blanket over himself.
"Nothing mom, can I go over to Dib's house?
"What? Why not?"
Zim whined,
"It's 7 in the morning- on a Saturday. It's too early Zim. Now go back to bed."
Zim sighed and got out of bed after his mother left and went back to the tub to finish his bath, he missed Dib already.

•Nighttime Obsession• a human au zadr ficWhere stories live. Discover now