•Tension bubbles•

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Dib slipped back to his house and stepped in the front door quietly.
"Where are your pants?"
Dib paled.
"I forgot to put them on..."
Gaz rolled her eyes.
"Based on your sad look I'm guessing you guys didn't bang."
Dib just looked to the side, Gaz snorted and her game slave chirped.
"Alright get out of sight dumbass."
Dib scowled at her and slunk to his dark room, he was still painfully hard. He had Zim beneath him, right there! But he still couldn't do anything, but he did confess, and Zim had kissed him, god it was a good kiss.
He laid back on his bed and sighed, a chirp of his phone stirred him from his thoughts.
It was a text from Zim. Dib immediately perked up.
Dib went red as he opened the text,
Hope this helps you,
The caption stated almost innocently, directly juxtaposing the photo that Dib gaped at.
Zim giggled as he looked at the tasteful nude he sent to Dib, kicking his legs happily as he laid on his stomach buck naked.
His smile grew as he got a text back.
'God I want you so bad'
It was a sloppily quick photo, Dib wasn't a good photographer, a reason why Zim usually took the pictures when they went monster hunting. Still it was an enticing image that had Zim biting his lip.
Dib had rested back into his bed, shuddering from the overwhelming arousal, he chose that he should use some lube this time. Totally disregarding his phone he had started to drift off into imaginary land him already starting to whine in impaitence. He nodded to his locked door, getting some lube in his hand, and him pulling down his boxers, he jolted from the feeling of cold lube hitting his hot member, from his messily shifting around he had called Zim without his knowledge. His hand started to stroke at his length, it rapidly speeding up making Dib grow louder and louder with each stroke,
"Z-zim~ a-ah o-ohh.. g-ggh- ziim~" he moaned out arching his back and covering his mouth, it ended up with him shoving a finger or two into his mouth so he could really moan out without the need to muffle himself.

The other side of the line was doing the same, Zim was already humping a pillow, desperate for the friction. He got startled from his phone and ended up answering, he was about to speak before he heard Dib moaning out his name which almost instantly got him to start grinding harder onto his pillow. Setting his phone onto his window sill he started to please himself.. keeping low key about it, the bed creaked with each of his rough humps, him moaning out for Dib too.

Dib hadn't been paying attention to his phone but hearing the sounds of his partner seemed to make him whine and moan out more for him. He was so desperate. He's never been this loud before.. it wasn't long before he hit his climax,
He cried out pausing when he heard,
Right after. He quickly patted around for his phone blushing from seeing Zim on a call with him. He set his phone down in a better spot for Zim to hear as he kept going off his hand running through his hair once more rough pants following after.
"F-fuck.. a-ah~ Z-zim- i-i nngh~ need you s-so bad.. h-hhah~"
Dib rolled into downward dog his hand continuing to jerk himself off, making him whine and buck into the hand, the bed creaking with his bucking.
"Z-zim- n-nngh~ g-god.."
He felt his back arch, his breath hitch, his hand squeezing harder onto his shaft which forced out another climax, he was so glad he grabbed a towel to do this on.
"Ff..fuck nn-nngh..~"
He had reached for his phone and stared at it.
"H-hhah~ n-nngh~ hah.. w-when did I-i get i-in a call with y-you?" He asked out of breath, Zim finishing another climax himself his sounds far more frequent but.. far quieter. The bed continued to creak as Zim picked up his phone to respond.
"Y-you a-aah~ y-you called m-me~!"
He responded gasping and dropping his phone, seems he found a good spot. As he grew louder with his moans making Dib bite his lip in anticipation.
"M-mmhn~ W-we could um.. n-nnh... perhaps go to a h-hotel, do it there and we wouldn't have to-"
Dib smirked from hearing Zim tease that sweet spot and hearing that every moan he made was of his name. It made a grin spread wide across his face.
"Sounds good, see you in five by the corner of Micheal and 64th?"
Zim squeaked out,
"See you there gorgeous~"
Dib cooed as he hung up.

Dib grinned as he saw Zim walking to where he was his a small side bag and what looked like a minidress.
"Hey, you ready to go?"
Zim asked, Dib nodded and kissed his cheek.
"You look amazing."
Zim smirked,
"Of course I do, now c'mon, I have the perfect place in mind."
Zim took his had and starting leading him to a pretty nice hotel on the edge of town.
Let's check in lover boy."

•Nighttime Obsession• a human au zadr ficWhere stories live. Discover now