•Dib's redecorating plans•

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Dib was so glad the day finally ended as he and Gaz walked out the front gates, Gaz tapping away irately. She clearly didn't like waiting for Dib to collect Zim's work. Dib walked home with her silently and waved, promising to be back soon to clean his room.
The more he thought about it the worse he felt.
If he had just cleaned his room Zim could've slept perfectly on his bed instead of not sleeping on the couch like he did last night. Dib swore to himself to clean his room, moving the creepy shrine to a hidden area and hanging up his pride flag instead.
Dib smiled as he got to Zim's house and knocked on the door. It was soon opened by Doris Ira.
"Mrs. Ira! You look lovely today, how are you?"
The woman smiled and welcomed him in.
"Would you like a cookie dear?"
"Yes please ma'am."
Dib answered, getting handed a plate of cookies and eating a few.
"Are you heading up to see Zim?"
Dib nodded. Doris pursed her lips,
"He might be a little rude, but I'm sure he'll be glad to see you."
Dib was confused by that and headed up, knocking on the door of Zim's room.
"Ughhh, go away mom! I just want to be alone for right now!"
"Hey, it's Dib, can I come in? I have your school work."
"Dib!? I- no you can't come in."
"What? Why not?"
"Cuz I said so."
Dib frowned.
"Are you mad at me?"
"No... you should be the one who's mad..."
"I'm not mad Zim, I was the one that told you to stay home."
"No! It's not like that Dib..."
"Well whatever it is... I forgive you."
Dib set down a folder of schoolwork and knocked on the door.
"I'll see you later okay?"
Zim mumbled back, Dib smiled and turned to leave.
"Bye Zim!"

Zim sunk against the door and held back a sob until he was sure Dib left, and even then it was quiet as to not alert his family. Zim clenched the fabric around him, the soft fabric rubbing against his arms. Zim snuggled into the sweater. It didn't smell like the forest and dark poop, just detergent. Zim wished it still smelled like Dib, that boy lived on caffeine and curiosity. Zim sniffed the sweater and bit his lip, a hug from Dib would feel so good right now. Zim opened his door and grabbed his work, slipping back in his room.
Dib stood back from his work and took a sip of the caffeine heavy soda when loved. He had cleaned the trash and moved his shrine to his closet, hanging the pride flag in its place by his cork board. He smiled and dragged a tired Membrane from his room.
"Dib, what is it? I was sleeping, and you nearly woke Clem."
"Dad just look!"
Dib showed up the cleaned room and beamed.
The scientist smiled,
"You hung up the flag."
Dib nodded and looked at the colorful flag.
"I shouldn't have waited this long to."
Membrane hugged his son and ruffled his hair.
"I'm proud of you son, now go to bed."
The man retreated to his bedroom to return to cuddling his husband.
Dib smiled and sat back in his chair, what to do now? It was about 1 am and he was full of energy, maybe he could call Zim, ask how he is.
No he should let the boy sleep.

Zim couldn't sleep.
No matter how he turned or moved he wasn't comfortable, thoughts swam of Dib and what he did to his best friend jolting him awake if he nodded off slightly. It was hell.
He scrolled his phone idly as he snuggled in Dib's sweater, what? It was comfy and big on his small frame. Oh how it would feel to have Dib behind him, breathing softly with long arms round his waist. He shivered at the thought.
No. Clear your head Zim. He chided himself, fingers tapped to see Dib's profile, he was active.
Why was Dib active at two in the morning?
Too tired to type he merely called the boy, biting his lip as he did.

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