•First Date•

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Dib let go of Zim and got up to open the door a sliver.
There was a tired looking woman and an miffed looking hotel worker.
"We're here on a noise complaint."
Dib gulped.
The woman frowned.
"It's not even 7 in the morning, I just wanted to sleep after getting off my flight but you just had to make such a ruckus! Can't you go somewhere else!"
"Ma'am I am so sorry, I will remove them from the building."
The woman nodded and trudged off.
"I'm going to ask you to please leave this establishment before we press charges."
Dib nodded.
"I'm sorry sir, I'll be gone in a moment."
Dib shut the door and rubbed his face with a groan. Looking up he saw Zim sitting on the bed looking dazed.
"We have to go."
Dib pulled on his jacket and opened his wallet to get a wad of cash for compensation for the woman. Zim got up and frowned, fiddling with his hands.
"Are you mad at me?"
"What? No,"
Dib wrapped his arms around Zim and kissed his forehead.
"I'm not mad, just... thinking."
Dib pet Zim's hair for a moment before he pulled away and walked to the door to open it and give the money to the man.
"Please give this to the woman I woke as an apology."
Zim gripped onto his arm and blinked up at him. Dib smiled nervously and made his way out of the building and paying with a flushed face.
Zim bit his lip as he clung to Dib's arm and his thoughts swirled wildly.
"Hey, wanna get ice cream?"
Dib asked softly, noticing how quiet Zim was. Zim looked up and blushed,
"That sounds nice."
Dib smiled and took his hand, squeezing it gently as they walked down the street.

"This is kinda like a date."
Zim said as he ate another spoonful of cherry jubilee, they were at a nice ice cream parlor. Dib choked slightly on a lick of ice cream and went red.
"It can be if you want to..."
Zim blushed and looked off to the side.
"I'd like to do that."
"So are we gonna go out?"
Dib asked hopefully. Zim snorted,
"I thought we already were! But yeah, I'd love to be your boyfriend."
Dib couldn't fight the smile that overtook his face.
"Pinch me."
Zim tilted his head to the side in confusion.
"I need to check if I'm dreaming."
A sharp pinch to his wrist had Dib hissing.
"Fuck... your nails are like claws Zim."
Zim giggled and licked Dib's ice cream cheekily.
"You were the one who told me to."
Dib smirked and licked Zim's cheek, making Zim hiss and scrabble to rub off his cheek with a napkin.
"Dib! You jerk!"
Dib smiled and just watched Zim scramble to get clean.
"You liked it earlier~"
Zim blushed and scowled at Dib.
"Shut up!"
Dib snickered and took a bite of his cone.
"You didn't deny it Spaceboy~"
"Shush! We're in public!"
Zim squeaked, Dib only hummed and rubbed their legs together, making Zim blush.
"So what? There's still a sexy boy before me~"
"Yes spaceboy?"
Zim's phone rang loudly, interrupting his statement.
"Hold on, I gotta take this."
Zim answered and put the phone to his ear.
"Zim! Where are you?"
Zim felt the blood drain from his face as he heard his mother's pissed tone.
"I'm... hanging out with Dib..."
"Well you didn't leave a note or anything! I was worried sick Zimmykins, Gir was searching the whole house for you for 30 minutes."
Zim bit his lip, he didn't want to upset his baby brother any further.
"I'll be back in a few minutes..."
Zim hung up and picked at his ice cream sadly.
"Who was that?"
"My mom, she found out that I wasn't home and Gir got upset too."
"Damn, I get that though, I hate it when I'm not there for Gaz..."
Zim got up to kiss Dib gently.
"See you later Dib-stink."
Zim walked out of the parlor to head home, leaving Dib alone with the taste of cherry jubilee on his lips.

•Nighttime Obsession• a human au zadr ficWhere stories live. Discover now