•Truth or dare•

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⚠️Suggestive warning ⚠️
"How about truth or dare!"
Zita exclaimed to the circle of seniors on the floor, gretchen nodded.
"Sounds great! Who goes first?"
The teens chattered and Zim took another sip of the sweet alcohol in his cup, maybe the drunk flush would hide his actual red cheeks due to Dib just a few people away.

Dib had silently invited himself into the circle of teens taking a small sip of his drink getting a nice satisfying buzz from it. God he wanted to just take Zim here and now... or... at least in the bathroom.. he was so horny that he chose to announce,
"All those who want to play truth or dare form a circle on the ground, those who don't... you're a pussy!"
He seemed to snort and hearing the uproar of the students from Dib's snarky announcement seemed to make him feel pretty good about himself. Watching the group start to sit cross legged in a circle.
"We could spin a bottle to see who goes first, eh?"
He suggested seeming to be a rather nice lead to this event, scooting to the side to motion for Zim to sit near him. Only to be stopped by Gretchen, no matter he still had the other side.
Zim smiled but didn't move closer to Dib, he couldn't, god knows what he'd do. He was drunk after all.
Zita placed a bottle down and spun it Dib had seemed to pout and hunch over to hide his uncomfortably erect bulge. He pulled his hoodie down over it waiting for the bottle to land on someone. Anxiety started to rise as if he were asked something he wouldn't have a very good way to veto or a good way to dare or truth anyone else because he... he's never played this before. Paitence.. after everyone starts to get drunk to the point of some weird orgy.. you can take Zim and atleast attempt.. something...
His lust whispered devilishly to him.
The bottle landed on gretchen and she grinned.
"Dib, truth or dare?"
Zim frowned at the way she leaned towards him in her tight shirt. She clearly liked Dib. Dib jolted from the sudden leaning, he took in a sharp inhale and ran a hand through his hair.
"Fuck it, dare. The worst one you can think of."
He was feeling rather cocky tonight, him turning and leaning back ever so slightly. Stuffing a hand into his pocket to cover his bulge that had seemed to've gone down now that he saw...Gretchen.
She smirked,
"Strip to your underwear."
She sipped her drink. Zim knocked back the rest of his angrily and got another drink.
Dib cleared his throat and started to remove his jacket, then his shirt, revealing a rather muscular and tanned torso, he did work out.. the muscles were rather defined and quite impressive. He finally removed his pants and stuffed them all into his lap hand running back through his hair nervously.
"Well fuck you too. Zim, Truth or Dare."
Zim jumped slightly out of his daze.
"What? Oh, dare."
God Dib was nice to look at. He almost was able to ignore Gretchen looking him up and down like a snack. Dib glanced around and pursed his lips.
"Mmrrr.. I dare you.. to pick someone... and just start lap dancing, it doesn't have to be me."
He didn't know what he was doing, but it was a good enough chance to get Zim to cock block Gretchen.
"Oh yeah... for the rest of the game." He added glancing down and running his thumb along his abs for a small bit our of habit and grinning at how impressive they really were.
"Or, you can pussy out and chug a whole thing of whatever's on the counter."
He checked his nails and finally smirked up at the tipsy boy hoping and praying he could get Zim give him a lap dance, as if he'd give up that chance.
Zim went red and got up shakily, eyes darted to Dib and the table of booze. Zim walked across the circle and sat in Dib's lap bashfully. Dib couldn't help but shift in his spot so he could lean back and spread out for Zim to do his basic lapdancing, and hope Zim didn't care about grinding on an extremely hard rod that he skillfully kept hidden with his hoodie.
"Zim it's your turn."
He hummed, sliding his hands up and down the boy's sides really just trying to show how much of a fucking Chad he was to show off mostly.
"Oh damn, you guys are missing out, he's packing some cake~"
He hummed almost intruding and sliding his hands down to squeeze Zim's rear before pulling off and resting back against the wall waiting for the game to continue on. What a fuck boy.
"Shut up Dib."
Zim hissed as he looked around the circle.
"Zita, truth or dare?"
Zim rocked his hips slowly, not really sure what to do. How the fuck was he supposed to know how to give a lap dance? The bottle of whiskey was looking good right about now.
Dib had leaned forward to press his face into Zim's shoulder a small groan escaping his lips as he began to grind back up against the lapdancing boy. His arms seemed to wrap around his waist, anxiety rising faster than his erection. Even then he was almost already fully hard, hopefully Zim couldn't notice and register... silence came from him as he waited for the game to progress back to him and for him to get dared again.
"Um, truth."
Zita said.
"Do you have a crush on someone in this group?"
Zim asked as he bit his lip, he was really worried that he was fucking up, and everyone was looking at him.
Zita blushed and took a long sip.
She didn't say anymore as she looked down. Zim squirmed in Dib's lap nervously. Dib seemed to flinch at Zim's squirming and in return, Dib pulled the boy closer so he could really grind against him, still surprisingly discreet about it.
He whispered under his breath, quickly leaning back against the wall and letting out a rather exhausted exhale.
"Hmmm... Keef! Truth or Dare?"
Zita asked brushing down her dress and shifting in her spot waiting for an answer. Keef bit his lip as he watched Zim intently.
Zim shuddered at the feeling of Keef watching and stood up.
"I'm pussying out!"
Zim went to the counter and started drinking, the others cheering him on.
"Chug chug chug chug!"
Dib took in a sharp inhale, whining at Zim giving up. He chose to start to redress rather quickly, or atleast put his pants back on, him keeping his shirt and hoodie over his bulge.
"Never said I couldn't redress after a few people~"
He whispered to Gretchen, a shit eating grin covering his face as he sat up straight.
Zita tapped her chin and took a hot minute to think.
"Ummmm... oh well, I can't think of anything original, but call your crush, right here, right now, tell them your feelings!!"
She squeaked, every now and then glancing at the love of her life, only to grumble at Dib because he was stealing her girl... Just a lot of conflict in the group really...
Keef had no hesitation pulling up his phone,
"Psh that's so easy,"
Zim had finished drinking and was catching his breath, way drunker than before. His phone rang.
He hissed into it.
Keef smirked across the room,
"Your ass looks great from this angle~"
Zim whirled around and glared at Keef.
"For the last time fuck off!"
Dib glanced down at his phone, over at Zita, over at Keef, then Zim, then Gretchen, only to go back to his phone and sigh. He chose to get up, redress and go over to Zim to be a nice shield as he started to gather some snacks.
"You're really bad at hiding yourself.. I'd recommend you face people more often than having your back to them."
He whispered to Zim, protectively rubbing his shoulder and continuing to get snacks for himself and some for Zim to pick at. He dragged the boy over to have him sit next to him for the rest of the time, he couldn't let Keef take his man..
"Assuming you're calling Zim? He can't pick up right now he's super fucking wasted.."
Dib snorted, gently rubbing at the boy's shoulder still being rather protective over him.
Zim leaned tiredly against Dib.
"Mm, you smell nice, is that cologne?"
He asked softly,
"Hah... Um...Yeah-"
Dib replied rubbing at the boy's shoulder nervously and pulling him closer from seeing people start to stare.
"Did you wear that for me?~"
The drunk boy cooed as he traced circles on Dib's chest. Zim leaned closer and whispered in Dib's ear.
"I wore something for you, wanna see?"

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