•Boiling lust•

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Part of this chap and a lot of previous chapters have writing by AFanficFreak
They're a rat. Enjoy.

Not even a few minutes after the two entered the nice room, Dib had pinned his little boyfriend down to the bed, almost instantly forcing his hips in between Zim's legs and rubbing right up against his hips. He had forced Zim's arms up and over his head so that they were out of the way.
"I'd like to not waste time mm?~ I want you just as bad as you want me~"
He chuckled grabbing onto Zim's chin and forcing him to look directly at him. He lowered his head down to pull him into a deep passionate kiss hips already starting to grind and roll against Zim's. He wasn't lying about not wanting to waste time.
Zim kissed back quickly and ran a hand down Dib's chest.
"I brought some stuff for it too~"
Zim laced his hands behind Dib's neck and resumed the heated kiss hungrily, he was so glad he didn't have to wake up from this.
Dib had already eagerly bucked and thrust his hips against Zim's, smashing his lips deeper into the heated kiss. His hands slid down to only slide back up and remove Zim's dress. He pulled out of the kiss to really take the dress off.
"Oh really~? Like what? I thought you just wanted me to go all feral on you~"
He cooed dragging his tongue along the boy's neck and searching for Zim's sweet spot.
"Mmm...here's a question. Why do you grind on your pillows while we're in a call?~ Does my voice make you that h o r n y~?"
Dib asked already seeming like he knew what he was doing by teasing and making Zim become overwhelmed so that he could only blabber out gibberish and only be able to moan out his name. Guess all that porn was paying off.
Zim bit his lips and moaned weakly.
"It's just some lube and condoms for saftey, y'know? Since skool won't shut up about it. Besides you'd rip me in half otherwise!"
Zim mewled when Dib grazed a certain spot on his neck.
"Yes, god yes! You make me so fucking horny~"
Zim squealed out,
"I- keep havin' wet d-dreams..."
He admitted shamefully.
"Mmhn~ me too~"
Dib purred back, almost instantly biting down on that spot that made Zim squeak. His hands started to stroke at his sides.
"Oh how you'd love being torn apart by my ginormous cock~"
He hummed bucking his hips roughly into Zim's making the whole bed move with it. He couldn't help, but keep teasing and biting, not doing anything else until he got the noises he so desired from the tiny pale boy.
His hands finding his partner's hips and squeezing down, digging his nails in a little after.
"Mmrr~ I want to hear you scream my name~ I want to get a noise complaint in the morning from how loud you were~ God I'm never going to get enough of you after this aren't I?~"
Zim moaned loudly,
"D- dIB!~"
Zim spread his legs widely and tugged on Dib's shirt.
"Mngh~ pleease..."
Dib continued his torturous motions, him shoving his thumb into Zim's mouth to get him to make his noises without any sort of muffling, his hips started to buck and almost Instinctively thrust, the bed starting to creak, even louder than his or Zim's. It made Dib even more excited. His other hand had slid down zim's tights,gripping firmly onto his shaft so he could start to stroke and caress it, after a good few strokes he pulled down zim's underwear so he could really stroke, and squeeze, and just milk every little bit that he could out of the boy.
"I bet you enjoy watching me take advantage of you like this, no?"
He slowly dragged his tongue along the boy's chest it slowly gliding over to suck on one of his nipples. He just wanted to see a reaction to it and if he should continue, he was already taking advantage of the delicate body below him.
Zim whined and wiggled his hips, trying to talk with fingers in his mouth.
"Can you- ahh~ stretch me out instead of teasing meee~ oh GoD- Diiiiiib!~"
Dib didn't care about strechingin that moment, he wanted to tease, he wanted Zim to beg, he.. he wanted to pull a sadistic move and force it in without any form of stretching, he would use alot of lube though for sure."
"I want to hear you beg, not command me."
The boy hissed removing his glasses, setting them off to the side, throwing off his shirt, and removing his pants, all that he and his partner were left in were underwear, and even then Dib had pulled Zim's underwear down before, so he could have easy access to his member.
"Dib, please, I'll get on my knees if I have to, just please can you stretch me out?"
Zim gave Dib his best puppy eyes.
Dib chose to wipe the drool off his hand onto the covers, he pulled Zim down to his knees on the side of the bed.
"I hope you know how to suck~ And I hope you like them big~"
He grinned at the last part and removed his boxers him stroking at his length afew times just to get it to sit right, it was huge, definitely going to tear Zim apart. Oh how he would enjoy hearing Zim scream...
"Suck, and maybe I'll think about it, Space Boy~"
Zim bit his lip and licked the tip carefully, looking up at Dib for some validation. Zim took a small amount in his mouth and sucked gently, Zim looked up at Dib and ran his tongue under the head and took more into his mouth. Dib gently carressed the boy's face, his back arching abruptly from the tongue that was teasing at his red tip. He covered his mouth and shut his eyes, how embarrassing...
"O-ohh~ Z-zimm~"
He moaned out gripping onto the back of his head and forcing it down onto his whole shaft so he could feel the warmth of someone's mouth around his thick member. It made him shift and moan out alittle more from the foreign pleasure.
"Mmhn~ this'll be a good taste of what's to come~"
He whispered starting to brush his hand through Zim's hair cautiously.
Zim hummed softly and sucked, enjoying the hand in his hair as he worked his mouth dutifully. Dib continued to force Zim's head down, making sure he got it in all the way. His hips started to shift and sway behind him as he had started to buck his hips into the boy's mouth.
"F-fuck i-i- never thought soft lips like yours would turn into a whole blowjob of expertise~"
He cooed, sliding his other hand down to start running all ten of his digits throughout his soft black locks.

Zim giggled slightly and bobbed his head, slowly getting into a rhythm as to not hurt himself. The noises Dib made encouraged him to go further, petting at Dib's thighs to distract his hands.
Dib gasped and started to grip tighter onto Zim's hair, his hips bucking and thrusting in unison with his partner's bobbing. He couldn't help, but fall almost submissive from the pleasure.
"F-fuck.. n-nnghh~"
What a submissive top he was being... that'll all change after they finish the blowjob.
Zim circled his tongue around it and moaned, speeding up as he did.
A tug to his hair had him deep throating Dib.
Dib grinned at the feeling of the back of Zim's throat. Damn it felt good. Pulling Zim's hair gently just added to it as he moaned. It was exhilarating, the love of his life, on his knees sucking him off, Zim was such a good boy.
"Fuck~ Zim you feel so good!~"
he whispered using his hand to manipulate his partner to start bobbing his head at the pace Dib wanted. His legs spread alittle wider as he rested his other hand back behind him to keep him held up.
"Ff..fuck~ I-im g-gonn-a-"
he covered his mouth and forced Zim's head down so he could climax down his throat. It made him relax and remove his hand off of zim's hair. He laid back groaning in pleasure, ropes of his seed shooting down the throat of the pale human. A grin spreading wide across his face. Zim gagged slightly at the bitter taste and texture of the substance in his mouth and pulled back, covering his mouth to swallow harshly.
"Still tastes as bad as last time..."
He whined as he rested his cheek tiredly on Dib's thigh. He got up shakily and flopped onto Dib's chest, hips grinding slightly against Dib. Dibs hands gripped tightly onto zim's hips his own grinding slowly against it. He paused from zim's words and squinted up at him.
"What last time? We.. we didn't do it before now?"
He sat up and set Zim down next to him, he cautiously fished his member back into his boxers staring at him in pure concern.
"What do you mean last time?"
He asked alittle more sternly his hands gripping tightly onto zim's. Zim blushed brightly,
"Um, remember when I stayed over at your house?"
He didn't wait for a answer and continued quickly.
"So, I had a wet dream and woke up and... you were hard too. I wasn't thinking then and I looked at your dick..."
Zim bit his lip, too flustered to mention what else he did
"Uh huh? Go on.."
he said with alittle bit more of a stern voice, reaching to put his glasses and his pants back on in the mean time. Yeesh, he's getting mad over nothing huh.. way to ruin the mood Zim.
"And I kinda jerked you offandsuckedyourdick!"
Zim blurted as he curled up slightly.
Zim held at his knees and started to redress nervously.
Zim sighed,
"Should I go home? I probably should...
Zim bit his lip and turned his face away from Dib.
"I'll let you think..."
Dib tugged him back suddenly and kissed him. Zim's eyes fluttered shut with a soft moan as wrapped his arms around Dib's neck.
He mumbled, feeling confused.
"Mmm, what're you doing?"
There was a loud knock on the door.

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