•Knight of dreams•

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Zim walked through a forest, staring up at the pastel star speckled sky above. He brushed a patch of flowers with his hand and heard the sound of metal clashing on something hard.
The sounds of the rather loud clanking seemed to make the boy flinch and retract his hand away from the flowers. Silence from his end as the clanking grew louder and louder with each step he took. fear seemed to take over his body as he chose to hide behind some trees and investigate from a stealthy distance.
An armored figure was clashing with a scaled beast.
Was that a dragon?
Zim blinked in awe, unable to look away.
There it was, a massive dragon, and a knight battling out... something. It seemed the dragon was winning as it had the boy pinned to the ground.
Hiss and shove, a loud roar of pain echoed throughout the rather aesthetically pleasing forest as it seemed in only mere seconds the dragon was taken down, not dead but defeated to the point of capture and restraint.
The knight seemed to lift up the helmet guard to move strands of sweaty hair out of his eyes, only to slide it back down and glance over at the boy in the trees. Like any knight would do when finding a damsel most likely in distress, would be to go over and make a knightly introduction.
Lowering down onto one knee infront of the pale boy he had seemed to bow and hold out a hand to grab the lilac eyed boy's hand. He only seemed to bow and keep tight hold on the restraints of the dragon.
Wind blowing through Zim's hair he seemed to blush extremely intently from seeing the chivalry that the knight was displaying, he obliged with placing his hand in the knights and reaching to grab at the helmet.
"Fair maiden, it is not safe here, there may be shrapnel or smoke."
The knight took the hand that was trying to take off his helmet and held it carefully.
"Let me take you somewhere safe away from this beast before it escapes."
Zim frowned slightly, but nodded. He squeaked as the knight picked him up effortlessly and started walking, armor clinking gently as the sweet smelling flowers brushed against the metal.
"Tell me about yourself sweet maiden, why were you in this forest?"
Zim looked at the knight,
"Um, well I'm not sure how I got here... and I'm Zim."
"Zim, a beautiful name."
Zim blushed and turned his head away to look at the flowers.
"T-thank you."
The knight smiled under his helmet and brought the boy to a gleaming castle. There were full colorful fields of flowers, framing the open gates to the castle that seemed to almost glow against the pastel purple sky, a hazy sun sinking behind the ever stretching palace. Zim looked at his savior and back at the castle.
"Why did you take me here?"
"It's safe, you'll have food to eat and a warm bed to rest in for the night."
Zim nodded,
"Who exactly are you, mysterious stranger?"
The armored man chuckled, Zim recognized the laugh slightly, but didn't remember from where.
"Just a humble servant of the people."
Zim rolled his eyes as the area had changed to the foyer of the castle while they were talking.
"But what's your name? It's not very chivalrous to disguise your face."
The knight laughed richly,
"Patience fair Zim, let me set you down first."
Zim definitely recognized that laugh, the boy clung to the knight as he was taken up spiral stairs and set on a plush bed in a room with pinks and reds. Zim blushed as he noticed he was wearing a pink dress.
The knight smiled and removed his helmet, raven hair falling into his eyes which he promptly pushed back, gold eyes shining as he got on one knee and kissed Zim's hand.
"Dib of the Pastel kingdom my fair Zim."

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