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That was Zim's first thought as he saw Dib across the hall. God, would they talk about what happened? Or just ignore it? It didn't help that Zim had had yet another wet dream about his best friend. He bit his lip and pulled out a candy to chew on to distract himself.
Dib had started to walk over and waved,
"Hey Zim!"
Zim felt his body tense and he crunched on the sweet hard candy in his mouth .
Zim answered nervously. Dib smiled awkwardly,
"Um, did you sleep okay?"
"Kinda, did you get any sleep?"
Dib chuckled for a moment,
There were bags under his eyes and he had washed his hands so hard they stung, it had taken so much soap to get the smell of cum off his hands. God he hadn't jerked off that much in one night since he discovered porn. Dib averted just eyes, afraid if he looked at Zim too long he'd start fantasizing about the short boy.

Zim bit his lip and fiddled with his bag. He didn't want to accidentally say something and ruin their friendship. The short, pale boy ran off to class after hearing the bell leaving Dib in the dust.

Dib didn't think much of it as he himself would've done the same thing if Zim didn't first. The sexual tension was killing the poor boy as he stood and stared down at his hands, the stinging pain of the vigrous washing only seeming to make him hallucinate and show just how much he came that prior night, it made him so embarrassed, and he ran off to class soon after.
Class went on as usual, the teacher babling on about maths, the two boys fazing in and out of consciousness or... atleast Dib was.
Zim was close up to his desk, backpack in his lap to hide his uncomfortable erection, his hips started to grind onto the book bag which made him slump down and pull his hoodie over to hide his flushed face and the on coming lewd expression. One of his hands slid down to massage stealthily at the aching member seeing the boy of his dreams infront of him only seemed to make him put his head down and let out small moans for Dib, quiet enough for the boy to not hear, but loud enough for himself to register.
'oh God oh my God I can't stop thinking about him.. his size must be huge.. he just looks like the kind of guy packing a gigantic package! I mean don't get your hopes up Zim your fantasies aren't real, but they could be! You've gotta make the first move?? No.. no you can't! What if it ruins it all??'
There was pure silence from Zim, him lifting his hand off his bulge as he pulled his hoodie down to cover it.
"Miss may I go to the restroom?"
He asked while raising his hand.
"I need to go.. really bad-"
The teacher pointed to the hall pass and Zim got up, Dib waved with a small smile and Zim bit his lip harshly and waved slightly before scurrying off to the restroom.
After bolting the door shut he caught his breath.
God damnit, why was he so horny? Why did Dib have you be so hot?
Zim groaned into his hands and looked down pitifully.
He'd totally fucked up. He couldn't seem to go a moment without getting hard over Dib, from his laughter and his dumb jokes, to his grins and just the sound of his voice.
Zim thumbed his bottom lip, and shivered as he imagined Dib doing so, not in a germ infested skool bathroom, but a lovely room that was spotless.
Dib would smirk and tease him, not giving him what he wanted. Zim would have to earn that kiss. And god he wanted it, he wanted Dib to pin him against the wall and shove a knee between his legs. Dib would milk every sound and lewd face out of Zim before he would even press their crotches together and grind, torturously slow.
Zim opened his eyes to the grimy bathroom stall and flushed furiously. He palmed himself angrily and pulled his pants down a little to jerk off quickly, his excuse wouldn't make sense if he didn't hurry.

He came came to the class with warm cheeks and sat down, flopping down on the desk, guilt overwhelming any satisfaction he felt earlier. The day would surely be hell, and he was only at the gates.

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