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niallhoran I can go outside again, because I finally have a mask #coronasafe

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hurraaaahn @nialler niall, are you commenting on your own post with a fake account? 😂

nialler @hurraaaahn #busted

louis91t someone please get this kid a brain!
Comment liked by niallhoran and 300 others

harrystyles I don't think they meant this kind of mask to protect yourself

louibear @harrysrainbow oh my god, they commented at the same time! 😍

harrysrainbow @louibear yaaas, they're safe together right now!
Comment liked by niallhoran and 120 others

harrysrainbow @louibear OMG NIALL BASICALLY CONFIRMED IT !!!!

niallstan you're so cute 🥺😍❤️

louis91t still waiting for your new songs btw

niallhoran @louis91t still waiting for you to arrive in the year 2020 btw #whosharry #whatswifi

heartbreakweather can we be quarantine friends?

niallsprincess you don't need this mask to be pretty!

niallhoran @niallsprincess I don't have it on my face to be pretty, duh? I have it to be protected?

louis91t you're so dumb
Comment liked by harrystyles and 400 others

niallhoran @louis91t you're so mean
Comment liked by harrystyles and 308 others


watermelonsugar @louibear @harrysrainbow Harry liked Louis comment 😍

louisbear @watermelonsugar OMG! Thank you for mentioning this to us. You just qualified yourself to be part of our groupchat

harrysrainbow @watermelonsugar welcome to the family!!!

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22. April 2020

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