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Louis Tomlinson spotted in London

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Louis Tomlinson spotted in London

Singer Louis Tomlinson has been spotted in London today. After he dissappeared from the public eye for a few days again, he was seen in front of a hotel. He was having a smoke while texting someone on the phone. And due to his smile we can only imagine how important the person must be to Louis.

But who was he texting with and where has he been all this time?

Since the rumors about him dating singer Harry Styles appeared Louis tends to take social media breaks more and more often. After an article about him being spotted in Miami with Harry Styles during summer, Louis broke all the rumors down with an Instagram comment below the post of "larrystylinson", the most famous fanpage on Instagram, where he confirmed, that he hadn't been in Miami at that time.

Besides the fact that Louis best friend Niall Horan said in an interview that Louis and Harry never met before and Louis denied being with Harry in Miami, the Larries still assumed that this was all a setup. Especially after Harry posted a picture with Louis and him in it after Niall Horan's birthday party. The conspiracy theories got more and more creative and we can understand that Louis decided to take a break from social media. There's literally a war going on on Instagram currently between the Larries and the antis.

But what us got into thinking is the picture of Louis this morning. He looks happy and carefree. The person on the other side of the phone seems to make him happy and we can't wait to find out who it is.

At this moment we can't say for sure wether Louis and Harry had know each other before Niall's birthday party or if they really had met for the first time on the 13th of September. But what we know is that they seem to get along very well and maybe the person Louis' texting with is indeed Harry?!

We're excited for what the future holds and hope that Louis and Harry can be themselves again soon without being followed by all those fake facts, hate, conspiracy theories, wrong interpretations and false assumptions.

As Harry always says: Treat people with kindness, guys!

22. September 2020

we started with a rumor (instagram L. S.)Where stories live. Discover now