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tagged: harrystyles

Liked by haileesteinfield, gemmastyles and 920, 289 others

niallhoran I guess we're basically twins now! #aboutlastnight #whoworeitbetter

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nialler two handsome guys, one outfit inspiration 😍

nouis @nialler what happened to Larry? Do you tryna steel Harry from Lou?

nialler @nouis I could never! Believe me, we're talking about Louis all the time 😏

harrystyles I wore it better, because I'm the original 💚

harrystyles and Niall's lying! 😠 He won't shut up about Louis! It almost seems like he's the one having a crush on him! 😏

niallhoran @harrystyles I'm not and you know that! And yes, I can see you blushing over there! We're still in the same room, you know?

harrystyles maaaaaaaybe but you can't blame me! he's pretty 😍
comment liked by larrystylinson and 91, 299 others

larrystylinson Harry admitted it 😍 my heart can't take it anymore

louis91t i just have to tell you all that these two were late for the award show 😂

niallhoran @louis91t it was your fault 😑

louis91t how was it my fault?

niallhoran because you distracted Harry with your flirting!
comment liked by harryandlou and 82, 188 others

harrystyles Lou, you reallklly distracted mesj... I blushed so hardd
comment liked by larrystylinson and 92, 299 others

larrystylinson @harrystyles are you drunk?! 😳

harrystyles @larrystylinson just a litrtle

niallhoran @harrystyles stop lying! You're slowly getting wasted. I'm coming over and take you're phone away before you reveal everything on the internet...


louis91t @harrystyles 🤦🏻‍♀️

nouis afterparties have never been more entertaining 😂

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16. August 2020

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