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Liked by louibear, watermelonsugar and 1, 200,977 others

louis91t  I guess, it's not so bad to be stuck in a flat in the middle of nowhere with no wifi. "No control" is coming out  soon

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louisheart OMG I'M SO EXCITED 😍

nouis @niallhoran are you alive mate? You're late with your comment

louibear finally something I can look forward to!!

lottietomlinson I miss you brother! x

louis91t @lottietomlinson I miss you so much! I hope I can see you again soon!

niallhoran I'm excited 😍

nouis @niallhoran wow, you're really late!

niallhoran @nouis sorry, I tried a new mask 😅

louis91t @niallhoran that's why there's still no new music from you then?

niallhoran @louis91t safety first!
comment liked by nouis and 2, 000 others

louisbabe you look so good in this picture!!! 😍

louishot I have no control over... looking at that jawline 😏🤤

naomitommo @louishot eww that destroys the whole song
comment liked by 1,000 others

tommothetease finally some new music 😍 took you long enough

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23.April 2020

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