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tagged: louis91t

Liked by harrystyles, selenagomez and 1, 289, 100 others

lottietomlinson happy birthday big brother! Finally a year, that we can spend your birthday and Christmas together again! Love you 💕

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nialler who's that smiling guy next to you? I don't know a friendly Lou 😳

sxngleforthesummer @nialler first comment as always and as unnecessary as always 😅

nialler @sxngleforthesummer love you too....

heartbreakweather @nialler ohhhhhhh 😳 I think I need to start a new fanpage 😏

watermelonsugar Louis look so happy, omg 😍😍😍

louis91t thank you, Dottie 💙 Love you so much little sister!

louis91t @nialler that's a side of me, that only my family knows and gets to see

larrystylinson Awww, he called her Dottie 😍 Louis such a great big brother 😍❤️

tomlinson28 oh God, Louis is so soft, 🥺

louibear I wish Louis was my big brother 😭
comment liked by larrystylinson and 399, 188 others

harrystyles happy birthday boy 💚

the.daisytomlinson my pretty siblings 😍 happy birthday again, big brother ❤️ mom would be so proud!

niallhoran and who took the picture? 😉 (for anyone's interest, it's wasn't me or the twins)

harryandlou @niallhoran OH MY GOD, I BET IT WAS HARRY 😭😭

larrystylinson @harryandlou I wish, that would be so cute 🥺

gemmastyles happy birthday, Louis ❤️ looking good, Lotts 😘

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24. Dezember 2020


Daisy posted that picture for Lottie's birthday today! Can't believe Lottie's 22 yet 😍

happy birthday, queen!

Lots of love xx


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