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Liked by haroldmyhero, louis91t and 2, 299, 098 others

harrystyles I'm really happy to announce, that 'don't forget where you belong' will be released on new year's eve. We're going to start the new year with some new music!

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niallhoran food
comment liked by niallhoran and 88, 289 others

sxngleforthesummer @niallhoran what?

haroldmyhero a new song?! 😍 I can't wait 😍

niallhoran @sxngleforthesummer don't forget we're you belong ➡️ right next to my food

harrystyles @niallhoran that's the Niall I've become friends with 💚

louis91t Harry, don't talk to the traitor...

louis91t anyways, I can't wait for this beautiful song to be released!
comment liked by captainniall and 899, 299 others

niallhoran @louis91t what did I do wrong this time?

watermelonsugar it's my birthday today and Harry's announcing a new song! Best birthday present ever 😍

larrystylinson a new song and a sweet Louis comment?! 😍 We're lucky today, Larries 😍
comment liked by nialler and 897, 289 others

harryandlou Harry: don't forget where you belong ➡️ in bed, right next to Louis
comment liked by harrystyles and 902, 289 others

nialler @harryandlou more like right on top of Louis 😉

harrysrainbow get yourself someone who looks at you like Harry looks at this statue 🥺
comment liked by harryimagines and 783, 219 others

nialler @harrysrainbow no, get youself someone who looks at you the way Harry looks at Louis 🥺
comment liked by larrystylinson and 990, 289 others

louis91t @nialler and you asked me why I called you a bad best friend...

louibear I don't like, how Niall and Louis seem to be on bad terms recently...

harrystyles @louibear don't worry, love! They're fine. @louis91t @niallhoran see, your fans are worried about your friendship...
comment liked by captainniall and 289, 299 others

niallhoran guys, don't worry! Louis and I are fine! 💛
comment liked by louis91t and 389, 288 others

sxngleforthesummer @niallhoran do I have to change back into a fan account?

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