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Jimmy Fallon (JF) introduces Louis Tomlinson and the crowd goes wild

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Jimmy Fallon (JF) introduces Louis Tomlinson and the crowd goes wild. The band starts playing and Louis enters the room with a shy smile, waving into the audience. The band's still playing as Jimmy and Louis hug each other and Louis takes a seat. The music fades and the interview begins.

JF: Welcome to the show, Louis. It's good to have you back!

LT: Thank you! I've missed you. It's been forever since I was here.

JF: Yes indeed. Corona got the best of us and I saw, that you were busy with writing new songs and enjoying life a little more.

LT: Corona made me realize, that I needed some time to get back to my roots. During the last years I've lost focus on the most important parts of my job and why I started to sing in the first place. The little break and my friends helped me a lot and now I'm back, stronger than ever.

JF: (chuckles a bit) I've heard about it. You're going on tour again, right?

LT: Yes, I will. I'm going to go on Tour next year and (turns to the camera and audience) I can tell you Guys, that we've planned an amazing tour with a lot of surprises.

JF: Oh, that sounds amazing! I'm excited about that!

Louis and Jimmy continue with some smalltalk about the album and the Corona lock down time. Jimmy brings Louis into an awkward situation as he starts to talk about 'No control', but Louis just laughs it off. After some time Jimmy looks at his cards and smiles at Louis.

JF: Oh wow, we're almost at the end. Seems like we've lost track of time a bit. Let's come to the last part of our interview, Louis. (To the camera) We've asked you guys out there to send in some question via Twitter under the hashtag #louistonight. (to Louis) I've got some of those questions here on my cards for you, Louis. Are you ready?

LT: Totally ready!

JF: Okay, first question was send in by the lovely LarrySfreak and she wants to know: What was the most romantic thing you did for a person?

LT: Wow, we're starting with the personal stuff right away, aren't we? (laughs) But, funny thing to ask. I think, I've made the most romantic thing just a few days ago. I'm not a good cook and I've tried to cook a meal for the person I really like.

JF: Oh, you say you've tried? Did it work or did you burn down the kitchen? (laughs)

LT: Surprisingly it did work. I have no idea how I did it, but it tasted really good and it also had a nice impact on the course of the evening (smirks).

JF: Such a heartthrob, Louis Tomlinson. Who would have believed it? But before we head over to the next question I need to know, what did you cook?

LT: Well, I cooked chicken, stuffed with mozzarella, wrapped in Parma ham with some homemade mashed aside. (a/n: I hope I got everything right)

JF: Wow, that sounds amazing! Well done, Louis! As we're talking about food and taste right now... That brings us to our next question. The lovey @nialler asked us "if Harry was a flavour, what would he be?“.

LT: (chokes on air and has to take a sip of water, then he sighs and starts to grin). Oh, the famous Nialler. He seems to follow me where ever I go. (Jimmy laughs). If I find out who he is, he'll be in trouble. (the audience and Louis laugh). Okay, back to the question. This is easy. Harry would be salt and vinegar.

JF: Good answer, but I'd rather not know how you've got to that conclusion (laughs).

LT: (grumbles) And the rumors have been fed again.

JF: Oh, c'mon Louis. We know you like the attention. (Louis rolls his eyes, but smiles). Harry brings us to the last question of the evening. (audience groans and boos. Jimmy speaks to the crowd.) I'm sorry, but we're running out of time!
So back to you, Louis. The lovely @larrystylinson wants to know: How is Larry and when does he stops hiding? (Jimmy smirks and raises and eyebrow. He looks at Louis and plays the unsuspecting interviewer). What's up with this Larry?

LT (groans, but has troubles hiding his smile at the mention of Larry): A few months ago, fans of Harry and I started to assume that we were in a secret relationship. It was quite annoying at the beginning, especially because our dear friend Niall had way too much fun feeding the rumors, but today I have to confess that I'm quite happy, Larry started to exist. (audience cheers) I mean, that way I met one of my best friends. But besides that, the speculations are still a little annoying. I mean, guys c'mon. It's not really nice to go out with your best friend and people start to assume things, that aren't there. We almost fear to go out in public. I mean, when I'm out with Niall or some other lads nobody suspects things. Well, but to answer your question, larrystylinson, Larry is going strong and doesn't fear to hide the friendship he holds.

JF: Wow, sounds like some troubled times but amazing friends, who help you two trough it all.

LT (laughs) : Yeah, some people help more than others. (to the camera) I'm watching you, Niall!

JF: And with that, we're going to end the interview for today (audience boos). Well, seems like the people don't want you to leave (Louis smiles and shrugs his shoulders). And they're lucky today! I'm happy to announce that Louis' going to perform his latest single "No control" after the break. (to Louis) For now we're gonna say goodbye to you tho. Give a last loud applause for Louis Tomlinson, everyone. Thank you, Lou, for being our guest today. It was really nice chatting with you and I wish you all the best for your upcoming tour.

LT: Thank you for having me, Jimmy. Hope to see you again soon. Maybe as a co-host next time? (the audience goes wild).

JF (laughs): Seems like I don't have a choice. Stay tuned, everyone and see you after the break.

The band starts to play. The cameras zoom out, showing a chatting and laughing Louis and Jimmy and a clapping audience. Slowly the music and the picture fade and the first advertisement starts to play.

15. December 2020


10 years of One Direction!!! I can't believe it. It's been so long and it still seems like it was yesterday!
I was 12, when the band started and I'm really happy to have them accompany me throughout my teenage years.

One Direction will always be my favorite Boyband (and I liked many throughout my life) and will always be a part of my life.

I own them so much. They helped through so much stuff without even knowing it and I made some of my closest friends, because of the 5 boys.

Here's to many more years to come!

I'm really looking forward to the reunion tour, even if I'm gonna be 30 (hopefully not) or older, with a bunch of kids at home. I'm gonna be at the concert no matter what and scream the songs of an old wrinkled face One Direction, who still gonna be amazing!


Celebrate the day, Guys, but remember social distancing!

Lots of love xx

(23. July 2020)

we started with a rumor (instagram L. S.)Where stories live. Discover now