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Chat between Harry and Louis



Oh, I'm sorry...
I just, did you
attend Niall's party

Louis, seriously?
I just tagged you
in a photo with both
of us in it?

Are you still drunk?


Sorry, I mean
I'm not drunk
anymore. I just
woke up tho and
I still try to
remember last night.

And I don't
remember talking
to you or even
being that close
to you as we are
in that picture?

Okay, that's fine.

No no no!

I'm sorry!

I mean, I think
it's strange
because I was
so sure that I
would remember
someone like you
and it kinda sucks
that I don't
remember the first
time meeting you...


Please, don't be mad!
We're just on our way
to become friends...
It can't end here already...

Calm down, Lou!
I just got a call
from my sister.
She asked me if I
wanted to meet her
after dinner tonight.

It's all fine with
that whole forgetting
thing. I mean I was
pretty drunk as well,
but I surely
remember you!

I mean, how could
I ever forget you
stumbling into me
the first time we met?

Are you flirting
with me, Mr. Styles?

I would never ;)

Ohhh, a winkyface :o
you are definitely
flirting right now!

Well Casanova,
can you please fill
me in on the recent
events of last night?

Why don't you ask Niall?

Ouch, that rejection.

I've already
asked him, but he
claimed he hasn't
seen me the whole
evening. That's
bullsh*it because
I've always been in
the center of the party,
well as long as I
remember that correctly.

That's not all true.
Okay, I fill you
in but only this
one time and only
because you were
so kind and
let me sit on
your lap yesterday.

I did what? :o

Shush, I'm telling
you the story now,
so please be quiet.

And I'm gonna make
a voicemessage
because I'm still a little
tipsy and too lazy to
type all those things.
So lean back, close
your eyes and listen
to my beautiful,
calming voice.

But pay attention to the
words not my voice ;)

You're so flirty and
cocky today...

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