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Chat between Niall and Louis

Why is that Harry
lad commenting on
my post?

Hey, nice to hear
from you too, Louis!

I missed you too!

How are you?

I'm sorry, Niall!
I should have told
you that I'm back.

I was just really
glad to be back.
My shower broke in
LA and I had to enjoy
the hot water
and as I said before,
I needed a ton of sleep
because I'm jetlagged.

So, you're not
trying to avoid me?

Noo, of course not!

Niall, you're my best friend!

You can come over
later if you'd like to?!

Yes, I'd really like to! 😍 
I missed you Louis!
When was the last time
we actually saw each other?

I don't know...
It's been too long!
But seriously Niall!
Have you talked
with Harry about me?

Because suddenly he
likes my posts and
now he even left a comment.

I have talked to him,
but we didn't really
talked about you :)

well, we did but I just
mentioned your name
once and he freaked
out because he,
different that you,
already knew you.

But I swear
I didn't say anything
about shipping you
two together!!!

Or how cute you would
be or what a
wonderful match
you would be...


I swear,
stop it or I'm not
going to let you in later.
I'm not gay and
you know that.
And you don't even
know if he's gay!

And you can not walk
around and start rumors
about me and some
unknown guy dating!

Okay, first I
didn't start the rumor!
I just liked some comments :)
and asked to join a church 😇

Second, have you
ever looked at Harry?
He's hot, he's beautiful,
he's kind and sweet
and he's just perfect!
So idc if you know him or not!

And third, who are
you trying to be kidding?
Lou, I mean are you sure
that you're straight? I
remember some things that
proved the opposite. And even
if you are, who cares?
Sexuality is fluid!
It can change anytime!

Okay, Niall...
First maybe you
didn't started the
rumor in the first place,
but you definitely had
a big part in spreading it!

Second, I don't
care what he looks like!

Third, my sexuality
is a rock.
It stays the same!
And don't mention
those things...

I was drunk

Are you kidding me?
You don't know
what Harry looks like?

You weren't curious, who your
put you in a relationship with?

And yes,
everything in
your life is a rock, Louis!
It's because your
living under one!

🗿 ⬅️ that's you!

No, idc what he looks like!
Because I'm not interested
to interact with
him in any kind.
That would make
the whole situation
even worse.
I mean people
already think,
that I'm in a relationship
with him!

Niall sent a picture:

That's him! I mean look at him! He's so handsome!

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That's him!
I mean look at him!
He's so handsome!


why did you send that??

Now I have a face in mind,
when I read all
those Larry comments 😩

Stop whining
and look at the picture!
We're gonna talk
about that, when
I'm at yours later!

I need to go!

Lewis is calling me...


What the heck?

Is he trying to be me?

Who's that cheap
best friend copy?

Shut up, Louis!
See ya later x

Don't forget me, Nigel!!!

(read 5 minutes ago)



Okay, I'll look at
Harry's pic then!
In case you'll replace
me I'll need a
new best friend! 😔

(read 10 minutes ago)

10. June 2020

we started with a rumor (instagram L. S.)Where stories live. Discover now