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Chat between Harry and Ed

Hey, Ed!

Listen I'm sorry..

I really appreciate
your post and it
means a lot to see
how far we've come!

I'm just so pissed off atm...
I mean this whole
Larry thing grew
so big and it's all the
people talk about
and I slowly get
the feeling that
they only care about
Louis' and I relationship
and not about me
as a singer anymore..

I'm really really
sorry that I've
dragged you into it...

Please don't
hate me, because
I definitely
don't hate you!

Harry, don't worry!
I don't hate you!
I know that this
situation slowly
got out of hand and
that it's the most
interesting thing
right now...

I mean nothing
much is happening
at the moment
and you
know people...

They always need
some stuff
to talk about

Thank you,
so much!

Really, Ed.

It's means
a lot to me.
I know that
people like to
talk but it's getting
to much for me.
They put Louis and
me under so
much pressure
and I don't know...
I just think it's
my business
what's between
me and Louis
but they watch
every step I take

Haz, I have
to ask you something
and please be
honest with me.

Don't take it
personal but
I've got the feeling,
that you don't
dislike the idea
of you and Louis.

I mean you
do talk a lot
about him,
you suddenly listen
to his music
and started
hanging out with
Niall a lot,
who happens to
be the best
friend of Louis.

And neither of
you officially denied
the rumor or
made a statement
that you're not together.

Ed, why should
I deny the rumors?

It's obvious that
it's not true.

I mean we
don't follow each
other on social media,
we've never
been seen together,
ffs I've never actually
met him.

We don't text,
we don't talk,
we just comment
on our posts sometimes
but that's it..

We'll never
be a couple

Are you sad
about that?



I mean, sure
you don't know
him yet,
but it can happen.

And maybe you'll
become a couple
once you'll know
each other better

I don't know...
I mean he's really
handsome and
through to the stories
Niall has been telling
me he's a really kind
and funny guy but
I don't know if
he's even gay..

I don't think he'll
be interested in me..

Have you seen
his comments?
He's always
so mad about
the Larry comments



Okay, Harry listen.

Just relax and
look for what the
future holds.

You're both pretty
successful singers,
you share some friends
and your sisters are
practically best friends!

One day your paths
will cross and
then you'll see what
happens next.

I guess you're right.
This whole Larry
thing just got me
really worked up.
It messed with my
head and I really don't
know what to
think anymore.

I can tell that!
I mean you've
suddenly been
friends with
Niall Horan 😂

Ey, you're friends
with him as well.

I know that you're
jealous but you
know that he's Louis'
best friend and
you are mine!

You always have
been and you
always will be!

We've been through
so much and
you've always been
by my side!
You know me
better than I know

I'll always be there
for you, Ed
and nothing
can change that 💚

I know,
thank you 🧡
I don't know,
why I've been
so jealous...

I'm sorry!
I'll always be
there for you too!

It's alright,
Teddy 💚
love you

I love you
too, mate 🧡

Okay, we're
way too sappy!

And I need to go...

Management wants
to talk to me about
the new tour dates

It's alright!
See ya soon, mate x

See ya soon x

And don't
worry to much
Larry and Louis!

30. August 2020

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