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tagged: gemmastyles

Liked by gemmastyles, watermelonsugar and 1, 109,728 others

harrystyles I'm used to be away from my family for a long time, but being stuck in LA while my family is in England during these times is terrible. I miss you!

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quarantinewithharry he's in LA? OMG I'm stuck in the same city as Harry Styles!!!

teddysphotos and what about me? 😔

harrystyles @teddysphotos I miss you the most!

louibear @harrysrainbow so good, that he has Louis for company!
Comment liked by niallhoran and 20 others

harrysrainbow @louibear omg, niall liked the comment again 😍 I told you that we're on the road to discover something big!

watermelonsugar @louibear @harrysrainbow Lottie Tomlinson just commented on Gemma's post 😍

gemmastyles I miss you so much! Can't wait to see you again soon!

annetwist oh my lovely children! I miss you, Harry! Gemma's slowly going insane with me alone in the house

gemmastyles @annetwist that's not true, mum! I enjoy finally spending some time with you again! Without Harry trying to get your attention all the time

harrystyles @gemmastyles hey, I thought you miss me?

twostyles I love you both so much! 😍❤️

gems Gemma is definitely the better Styles!
Comment liked by gemmastyles and 130 others

gems See, I told you! She's the better Styles! Thank you, Gemma 😍

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23. April 2020

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