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tagged: niallhoran

Liked by nialler, teddysphotos and 1, 278, 219 others

louis91t five years ago I had the chance to play some footie for charity and met this awesome lad. Now I can call him my best friend and I can't be more grateful! Thank you for keeping up with my annoying arse! Happy 27th Birthday 💙 Love you, mate!

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niallhoran thank you, Lou 💛 I'm so glad to have you as my best mate! Thank you for everything!!!

nouis MY PARENTS 😍😍 happy birthday papa niall 😍❤️

heartbreakweather oh, niall was such a baby 😍 happy birthday ❤️

louibear your friendship is so amazing 😍

nialler I've got a suprise for my best friend tonight and he'll love it 😏
comment liked by larrystylinson and 28, 200 others

larrystylinson @nialler bet it's Harry 😏 happy birthday captain btw ❤️

louis91t @nialler it's your birthday, so I should be the one suprising you!

nialler believe me, Lou, your suprise and joy will be birthday present enough for me today 😍

niallxlouis #friendshipgoals

teddysphotos you two are too cute 😊😍

harryandlou @teddysphotos so, your not battling Niall anymore then?

teddysphotos @harryandlou no, it's his birthday today! He should have a day off 😂

niallhoran @teddysphotos too generous, man 😂

niallsprincess the blonde hair 😍❤️

lewiscapaldi awww niall 🥺😍

louis91t @lewiscapaldi go away 🙄

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