Before Reading

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First of all, I'm still not finished with my other stories, I know, but I've read so many social media/Instagram/texting Larry fanfictions during the last days, that I kinda wanted to start my own, so I did.

It's my first try writing this kind of story, so please be nice.

Most of the manips I'm using for this story are made by me, but I also used some of the pictures I found on Pinterest. If you see your picture and you want me to take it down, please contact me and I'll remove it. You're free to use mine btw.

I also want to adress, that everything in this story is fictional. I'm sorry for changing album/single releases, relationship changes etc. but I chose to write it the way it fits the story plot the best. In the end it's still a fictional story, so please don't call me out for writing a wrong year or something like that. I'm also aware that Ed is currently taking a social media break but I kinda need him for this story so he'll be still active :)

Also, One Direction does not exist in this book. That's why the One Direction songs will be original songs of Louis, Harry and Niall.

And last but not least and as always, I'm sorry for every grammar, spelling and vocabulary mistake I've made in this story, but unfortunately english isn't my native language. I've tried my best though.

Please let me know in the comments, if I should continue the story or your thoughts. It helps to get some feedback :)

Enjoy the story and stay safe!

Lots of love xx

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