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tagged: harrystyles

Liked by harrystyles, louis91t and 980, 002, 294 others

niallhoran what a suprise! Thank you Haz for surprising me Backstage! You're the best! And thank you all for your kind and sweet birthday wishes 😍 27 never felt that good 💛

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louis91t wow, another person who tries to steal you from me 🙄

nouis @louis91t wow, you've been quick this time 😂

heartbreakweather HAPPY BIRTHDAY 😍❤️

larrystylinson happy birthday, captain 😍 thank you for being our light in the darkness and our guidance through the storm ❤️
Comment liked by niallhoran and 27, 190 others

niallhoran @larrystylinson Aww, you guys are so sweet 🥺

harrystyles Hope you liked the cake! Happy birthday again, mate x

watermelonsugar I bet Harry made that cake *cough* I worked in a bakery *cough*
Comment liked by bakerharry and 12, 199 others

teddysphotos Happy birthday, mate 🧡

larrystylinson @louis91t just saw your little pouty comment 🥺 are you jealous of Harry?

nialler @larrystylinson oh he's so jealous, but not because he's afraid that Harry could become my best friend, no 😅 he's jealous because I had the chance to spend time with Harry 😏

larrystylinson @nialler that would be so cute 🥺😍

louis91t @nialler I won't tell you to shut up today because it's your birthday... And because you two are looking cute 😊
comment liked by harryandlou and 38, 290 others


lewiscapaldi Happy birthday to one of my best friends 😍💛 27 suits you

louis91t Okay Niall, your allowed to spread Larry rumors today but we have to do something about that Lewis guy...

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13. September 2020

we started with a rumor (instagram L. S.)Where stories live. Discover now