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Interviewer: Good afternoon everyone! I'm really happy to introduce you today's guest

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Interviewer: Good afternoon everyone! I'm really happy to introduce you today's guest. It's NIALL HORAN!!!

(audience claps)

Interviewer: Hello Niall, how are you?

Niall: Hello! It's really nice to be here! Thank you for having me!

Interviewer: Thank you for being here. So Niall, do you enjoy the freedom again?

Niall: Oh it's amazing! (chuckles)
I was horribly bored during quarantine and it feels so good so be able to go outside again and meet my friends and family!

Interviewer: What did you do during quarantine? We saw your posts on Instagram and the little banter you had with you friend Louis Tomlinson was really entertaining. Did you write some songs in the end?

Niall: (laughs). Oh, yes the thing with Louis. Actually I've spent most of the time with songwriting and chatting with some musician friends about music and new song ideas. That I refused to write was a little inside joke between me and Lou. I also planned a lot of new shows and possible new tour dates for next year.

Interviewer: So we can be excited to hear some new music soon?

Niall: Maybe? Who knows? (winks and laughs)

Interviewer: Another thing that went quite viral on the internet were the rumors we heard about you becoming a captain or something like that? What's up with that?

Niall: (blushes) Oh that! Well, fans started to ship two of my best friends together and I liked a few comments here and there. Maybe that's why they decided to make me their captain.

Interviewer: Oh, I've read some articles about that. They started to ship Louis Tomlinson with Harry Styles, right?

Niall: Yes, I have no idea how they got that idea tho. The two don't even know each other. (laughs again)

Interviewer: Oh, so the rumors about them being in quarantine together aren't true then?

Niall: No, as I said before, they've never met before!

Interviewer: Well, it can still happen, can't it?!

Niall: Of course! I'm trying my best (laughs)

Interviewer: (laughs) Let's talk a little bit about your new album! It was pretty rough to release an album in such an extraordinary time, wasn't it?

Niall: It was the worst timing! Especially because I had to cancel all the events I had planned for the release and of course the beginning of tour, but I always told myself that people at least had some good music during their time at home!

Interviewer: That's true! I bet you helped a lot of people to get through lockdown!

Niall: I hope so!

Interviewer: Your friend Harry Styles recently said in an interview that 'Put a little love on me' is his favorite song of the album. What's your pesonal favorite song?

Niall: That's hard to say! I mean, every song has its special meaning for me but if I had to pick one I would have to say that it's 'Black and White'. I still get goosebumps hearing and performing it!

Interviewer: Let's see if you'll get goosebumps performing it here today!

Niall: I think I will! (laughs)

Interviewer: Ladies and Gentlemen, after the break we'll hear Niall Horan performing his new song 'Black and White' for the first time live on stage.
Thank you Niall, for being here today!

Niall: Thank you for having me! It was a pleasure talking to you! Thank you!

Interviewer: You're welcomed to come back anytime you'd liked!

Niall: Thank you!

15. June 2020

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